Ateşin Topal Efendisi Hephaistos

Robert Krugmann

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Blacksmith of the Gods, Creator of Golden Palaces, Hephaestus, the Lame Lord of Fire Is this a god? Look at this situation! Something lumpy... Is one of his legs lame? It's obvious that you've done this job on your own, Hera... You've proven to everyone that you're an incompetent person. Damn! Hera shouted and looked angrily at the lumpy pile of pink flesh in her hand. I wish I had never given birth to you! If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have been angry with Zeus and tried to create you! But I will get rid of you... Get out! And Hera, the powerful wife of Zeus, grabbed her newborn baby by the leg and threw him down from Olympus.
Estimated Reading Time: 1 hrs. 47 min.Page Number: 63Publication Date: 2003Publisher: Yurt Kitap Yayın
ISBN: 9789757076742Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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