Breasts and Eggs

Mieko Kawakami

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'Promises to be one of the most talked-about novels of the year.' - Financial Times 'Breathtaking' - Haruki Murakami, author of The Wind-up Bird Chronicle On a hot summer's day in a poor suburb of Tokyo we meet three women: thirty-year-old Natsu, her older sister Makiko, and Makiko's teenage daughter Midoriko. Makiko, an ageing hostess despairing the loss of her looks, has travelled to Tokyo in search of breast enhancement surgery. She's accompanied by Midoriko, who has recently stopped speaking, finding herself unable to deal with her own changing body and her mother's self-obsession. Her silence dominates Natsu's rundown apartment, providing a catalyst for each woman to grapple with their own anxieties and their relationships with one another. Eight years later, we meet Natsu again. She is now a writer and find herself on a journey back to her native city, returning to memories of that summer and her family's past as she faces her own uncertain future. In Breasts and Eggs Mieko Kawakami paints a radical and intimate portrait of contemporary working class womanhood in Japan, recounting the heartbreaking journeys of three women in a society where the odds are stacked against them. This is an unforgettable full length English language debut from a major new international talent. 'Radical' - Katie Kitamura, author of A Separation 'Uncommon precision' - Yoko Ogawa, author of The Memory Police 'Bold, modern and surprising' - An Yu, author of Braised Pork 'Incredible and propulsive' - Naoise Dolan, author of Exciting Times
Estimated Reading Time: 12 hrs. 14 min.Page Number: 432Publication Date: 2020Publisher: Picador Yayınevi
ISBN: 9781509898206Language: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

Reader Profile of the Book

Kadın% 88.8
Erkek% 11.2
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About the Author

Mieko Kawakami
Mieko KawakamiYazar · 4 books
Mieko Kawakami, TIME’ın 2020’nin en iyi 10, New York Times’ın ise en iyi 100 kitabından biri seçilen, uluslararası çoksatan Memeler ve Yumurtalar romanının yazarıdır. Osaka’da doğan Kawakami, edebi çıkışını şair olarak 2006 yılında yaptı ve ilk romanı Watakushi ritsuin hā, mata wa sekai (My Ego, My Teeth, and the World) 2007’de yayımlandı. Şiirsel dili kadın bedeni, etik ve modern toplumun sorunlarına dair felsefi içgörülerle doludur. Eserleri birçok farklı dile çevrildi ve otuzdan fazla ülkede yayımlandı. Akutagawa Ödülü, Tanizaki Ödülü ve Murasaki Shikibu Ödülü de dahil olmak üzere Japonya’da çok sayıda prestijli edebiyat ödülünü kazandı. Tokyo’da yaşıyor.