Cibran'ca 1: Asi Ruhlar/Kırık Kanatlar

Halil Cibran

About Cibran'ca 1: Asi Ruhlar/Kırık Kanatlar

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1883 yılında Bechari'de doğdu. 12 yaşında ailesi ile birlikte Amerika'ya göç etti. İlk orta ve lise öğrenimini Boston'da tamamladı. Daha sonra ısrarı üzerine ailesince Beyrut'taki El Hikmet Medresesi'ne gönderildi. Yüksek öğrenimini burada bitiren Cibran, 1902'de bir daha dönmemecisine ayrıldı anayurdundan. 1902-1908 yılları arasında resim yaparak geçimini sağladı. 1908'de Paris'e gitti; Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi'ne yazıldı. 3 yıl süreyle çağının en büyük heykeltraşı Auguste Rodin'den ders aldı. 1911'de yeniden Amerika'ya döndü. 1918'de ilk kitabı "The Madman-Deli" yayınlandı. "jesus, the son of man-insanın oğlu isa" ve "the earth gods-yeryüzü tanrıları" adlı kitaplarıyla bu başarısını pekiştirdi. 1931 yılında New York'daki küçük bir çatı katında yoksulluktan ve birbiri ardına gelen hastalıklardan kurtulmayarak öldüğünde 48 yaşındaydı. Elinizde ki kitap'ta "Asi Ruhlar" ve "Kırık Kanatlar" adlı çalışmalarını büyük bir heyecan ile okuyacaksınız.
Halil Cibran
Halil Cibran
Esra Emek
Esra Emek
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 18 min.Page Number: 152Publication Date: May 2015Publisher: Siyah Beyaz Yayınları
ISBN: 9786054777907Country: TürkiyeLanguage: Türkçe

About the Author

Halil Cibran
Halil CibranYazar · 89 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Gibran was born in 1883 as a child of a Maronite family in the Lebanon Governorate under the control of the Ottoman Empire. He immigrated to the USA with his family and siblings in 1895. He attended school in the city of Boston while his mother worked as a seamstress. Noticing Gibran's creativity, his teacher introduced him to photographer and publisher F. Holland Day. Gibran was sent back to his hometown by his parents at the age of fifteen to enroll at the Collège de la Sagesse in Beirut. In 1904, Gibran's drawings were exhibited for the first time at Day's studio in Boston, and his first book in Arabic was published in New York in 1905. Gibran studied art in Paris from 1908 to 1910, with the financial help of his newly met philanthropist Mary Haskell. While there, he met Syrian political thinkers who supported rebellion in the Ottoman Empire after the Young Turk Revolution; Some of Gibran's writings, expressing the same ideas as well as anticlericalism, would eventually be banned by the Ottoman authorities. His works and thoughts had a wide impact around the world. Gibran, whose poems have been translated into more than twenty languages, was also a successful painter. Some of his paintings are exhibited in many cities around the world today. The author, who spent the last twenty years of his life in the USA, wrote his works in English in this country, where he stayed until his death. One of Khalil Gibran's most famous works, Nebi, which was first published in 1923, is a book of mixed poetry essays consisting of a total of 26 poems. The book itself consists of the story of a prophet named El Mustafa being stopped by a group of people when he was about to leave the city of Orphalese, where he stayed for 12 years, and going home, and the conversations between the main hero and the people about the general situation of humanity and life. The name given by Gibran to the person named El Mustafa in this book is the Prophet Muhammad. There are those who claim that it points to Muhammad. However, the texts in the book mostly show similarities and parallels in terms of content and style with Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, which takes place in the 5th chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew. If the studies in the author's book titled Jesus, Son of Man are taken into consideration, the claims that El Mustafa could be Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, become even stronger. The Garden of the Saint is the sequel to Khalil Gibran's book The Saint. Its translation into Turkish was made by R.Tanju Sirmen. Publication year 1999.