Çin Tarihi

Wolfram Eberhard

Çin Tarihi Reviews

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8.5Out of 10
20 People · 5 Review
383 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Ünlü Sinologdan Türkçe yazılmış bir Çin Tarihi kitabı.
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Wolfram Eberhard's book History of China dates back to the Stone Age and AD. It is a very comprehensive Chinese History book that covers a long period of time until the 20th century, that is, the republican period. Since Eberhard was working at the Faculty of Language-History-Geography in Turkey when this book was written, this cult work was originally written in Turkish and later translated into other languages. Eberhard, who shares the most important sources of the literature of his time for each period he covers in the book, offers a great summary of nearly four thousand years of Chinese History.
Çin Tarihi
Çin TarihiWolfram Eberhard · Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları · 201951 okunma
383 syf.
4/10 puan verdi
Read in 52 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
For God's sake, give this book to an editor so that it can be updated. It has a disgusting language that does not suit an institution like TTK. This language constantly extinguishes one's desire while reading.
Çin Tarihi
Çin TarihiWolfram Eberhard · Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları · 201951 okunma
415 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Çin Hanedanlıklar
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
It was a book I read during my school years upon the recommendation of a teacher. It did not meet my expectations. While I was expecting more fantastic events, it is a completely academic work that goes into great detail. It was a very interesting situation that China, which lived as city-states as a result of the struggles between dynasties, remained closed to the outside world for a long time. As I mentioned, the work deals more with the academic side of the work, and it may seem boring.
Çin Tarihi
Çin TarihiWolfram Eberhard · Türk Tarih Kurumu · 200751 okunma
415 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 99 days
Çin'in mukadderatını anlamak için okunması gereken bir eser, ülkemizde Çin Tarihiyle ilgili az sayıda bulunan en önemli eserlerden biridir.Günümüzdeki Çin'i anlamak için hatta dünyayı anlamak için Çin'in tarihini,kültürünü,sosyolojik yapısını başından geçenleri bilmek zorundayız.O açından bakıldığında eser nazarında malumatı mühimdir.
Çin Tarihi
Çin TarihiWolfram Eberhard · Türk Tarih Kurumu · 200751 okunma