Rediscovering Prayer

Communicating with Allah

Basaam Hasan
Muslims are required to pray five times a day, but for too many of us these are little more than physical movements devoid of any spirit or divine connection? In a modern world of constant distraction, how are we to achieve the communion with the Divine that prayer is supposed to be? How can we reach the state of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhe Wassalam) who would ask his Companion Bilal (RA) to give the call to prayer with the expression: “Give us repose through it, O Bilal.” [Sunan Abu Dawud, Graded as Saheeh by Sh. Al-Albani] Rediscover prayer, with this book filled with short reminders containing practical examples to help readers attain a deeper sense of devotion to Allah SWT. Learn to let go of your worldly worries during your prayers and be more mindful before Allah SWT. The present short but valuable work provides us with the answer. Dr Bassam Saeh, a scholar of the Arabic language, casts a refreshing new perspective on prayer in the modern context. With practical examples, and in contemporary idiom, he charts a path for the seeker of pleasure of Allah SWT to attain a deeper sense of consciousness and devotion in prayer. The short chapters of this work are designed to be read and reread as constant reminders for us to renew our commitment to the Divine in our prayer.
Basaam Hasan
Basaam Hasan
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 42 min.Page Number: 166Publication Date: 2018Publisher: Islamic Foundation / Kube Publishing - UK
ISBN: 9780860377153Language: İngilizce

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Namaz: Allah ile iletişim aracımız
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Communicating with Allah
Communicating with AllahBasaam Hasan · Islamic Foundation / Kube Publishing - UK · 20181 okunma
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