
Miyuki Miyabe
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A harrowing tale of murder and retribution. Young, pretty Junko Aoki has an extraordinary ability-she can start fires through sheer force of will. When she begins using her gift of pyrokinesis to take the law into her own hands and punish violent criminals, her executions attract the attention of two very different the Guardians, a secretive vigilante organization that tries to recruit her, and the arson squad of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Soon the police are on Junko's trail, most notably Detective Chikako Ishizu, a rationalist who must come to terms with the existence of paranormal forces. As Junko's crusade against evil escalates and she finds it harder to control her power, we are taken on a breathtaking and brutal journey through the urban landscape of Tokyo on a journey that challenges us, along with Chikako, to think about what's right and what's wrong in the name of justice. Atmospheric, suspenseful, provocative, and even romantic, Crossfire is a tour de force sure to secure Miyuki Miyabe's place in the pantheon of today's top mystery writers.
408 sayfa · İlk Yayın Tarihi: 1 Ocak 1998

Yazar Hakkında

Miyuki Miyabe
Miyuki MiyabeYazar · 3 kitap
Miyuki Miyabe 1960 yılında Tokyo'da doğdu. Hukuk öğrenimi gördü ve yazmaya başlamadan önce avukat olarak çalıştı. Japonya'nın en popüler yazarlarından biri olan Miyabe'nin gerilim ve polisiye romanlarının yanı sıra tarihi romanları da vardır. İngilizceye "All She Was Worth" başlığıyla çevrilen kitabıyla Şugoro Yamamato Ödülü'nü almıştır. Romanlar: 1992 All She Was Worth 2005 Crossfire 2005 Shadow Family (Gölge Aile) 2007 Brave Story
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