Cəsur Yeni Dünya

Aldous Huxley

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İkinci dünya müharibəsindən öncə çıxan bu romanı Oldos Hakslinin şah əsəri sayıla bilər. Müəllifə görə bu roman gələcək haqqında kəhanətdən ibarətdir. O, roman çap olunduqdan sonra verdiyi bir müsahibədə əsərin utopiya, yoxsa distopiya olduğuna qərar vermədiyini deyirdi. Lakin vəfatından bir neçə il əvvəl yazdığı "Cəsur yeni dünyaya səyahət" adlı kitabında 20 il əvvəl etdiyi səhvləri düzəldirdi. Haksli yazdığı distopiyaya utopiya yazan tək müəllifdir. Antik yunan mifologiyası, Polineziya antropologiyası, sanskritcə və çincə buddist mətnləri, bitki və dərman haqqında yüzlərlə elmi araşdırma, neyrofiziologiya, psixologiya. Absurd olan qədim və yeni nə kitab varsa, şeir və ədəbiyyat, tənqidlər, politoloji şərhlər və minlərlə müsahibələr... Haksli "Cəsur yeni dünya"nı və "Ada"nı bütün bunlardan topladığını deyir. Müəllifin əsərin finalı haqqında sonradan etdiyi düzəlişsə diqqətə layiqdir. "Şübhəsiz "Cəsur yeni dünya"da da bir çox yanlışlar var. Ancaq bunları düzəltmək üçün yenidən yazmalı olsam (yaşımın verdiyi təcrübə ilə əlaqədar) kitab tamamilə başqa istiqamətdə gedəcək. Lakin bunlardan birini, əsərdəki ən ciddi yanlışı qeyd etməliyəm. Baş qəhramana sadəcə iki şans tanınır, ya Utopiyada hedonist bir həyat, ya da hindu kəndində ibtidai bir həyat. Əsəri yazdığım vaxtlarda bu iki seçim mənə çox əyləncəli gəlirdi. Lakin romanı indi yazmış olsaydım Vəhşiyə üçüncü bir şans verərdim. Utopiyadan qaçaraq hinduların sərhəd bölgələrində yaşayan bir topluma qoşular və onlarla yaşayardı".
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 41 min.Page Number: 236Publication Date: 2014First Publication Date: 1932Publisher: Başla Kitab NəşriyyatıOriginal Title: Brave New World
Country: AzerbaijanLanguage: AzericeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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Erkek% 32.3
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55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

About the Author

Aldous Huxley
Aldous HuxleyYazar · 25 books
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Aldous Huxley; (b. 26 July 1894, Godalming, Surrey, England - d. 22 November 1963, Los Angeles, USA), British writer and critic. Known for his elegant and satirical style, he turned towards Eastern thought and mysticism in his last years. He came from the Huxley family, which raised many famous scientists and artists. He studied at Eton College, Oxford, between 1908-11. He had to take a break from his education when he was in danger of going blind due to an eye disease. He later graduated from Balliol College (1915). He wrote a very long novel when he was only 17; but this work was never published. Huxley, who worked in various newspapers and magazines during World War I, married Belgian Maria Nys in 1919. He lived in Italy with his family between 1923-30. He gained success with his first novels such as Antic Hay (1923) and Point Counter Point (1928; Ses Sese Karşı, 1961-62, 2 volumes, 1978), which reveal his literary sophistication and intelligence as well as his interest in human relations. The hero of Voice Against Voice is D.H., with whom he was friends in Italy. He created it inspired by Lawrence. In Brave New World (1932; New World, 1945/Brave New World, 1989), he described a future world in which no individual could escape scientific control and conditioning. The work, which is a warning against the power of technology, is considered one of the classics of the counter-utopia genre. Huxley, who settled in the USA in 1937, worked on screenplays in Hollywood as well as his novels and essays. After his wife's death, he married Italian violinist Laura Aschera in 1956. In his works of this period, some themes gained prominence that would inspire the youth subcultures of the 1960s; In The Doors of Perception (1954; Sezgi Kapıları, 1975), he described his experiments with hallucinogenic drugs, and in Island (1962; Island, 1983), he created a utopia based on Eastern mysticism and Western science enriched with perception-stimulating drugs. He collected his essays and reviews in books such as Collected Essays (1958; Essays, 1976), Literature and Science (1963; Literature and Science), The Politics of Ecology (1963; Ecology Policy). Huxley's other works include The Defeat of Youth (1918), Limbo (1920), Crome Yellow (1921), Jesting Pilate (1926), Eyeless in Gaza (1936). ), After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (1940; After Many Summers, 1946), Gray Eminence (1941; Shadow Office), The Perennial Philosophy (1946; Infinite Philosophy), Ape and Essence (1949; Monkey and Essence). .