Ferahlık Ânına Övgü

Ömer F. Oyal

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“Although insistence on the impossible may seem romantic at first, it becomes a pitiful thing over time.” “Ode to the Moment of Refreshment” tells in an ironic and striking language the story of the intersection of paths of two adult men in a lodge, who cannot cope with the helpless and guilty child inside them and who cannot find a footing in this world. Tamer is a Renaissance fan and a painter who has never been able to create himself as he wanted. During the days when he was struggling to make ends meet, he suddenly found himself in the presence of the sheikh when he received decoration works from the Foundation for Comparative Sufism Studies. Moreover, he actually steps into a distant past with the doctor he met there, Kerem, who has been a disciple of the dervish lodge for a few years. But if we can't feel our feet, what does it matter where we step? “It is sometimes said that uncertain encounters are the work of fate. On the other hand, wherever fate and human freedom are talked about, it is also said that the devil jumps around, jingling his cymbals and hitting the asphalt with his feet one after another.” While Ömer F. Oyal examines the problems of freedom and responsibility in this novel, in which he explains the cruelty of the human soul and how changing oneself occurs alone, with effort, struggle and fluctuation, he leaves unanswered, bittersweet questions in our hands, like letters to whom it is not known who they are written to.
Filiz Özdem
Filiz Özdem
Nahide Dikel
Nahide Dikel
Mehmet Ulusel
Mehmet Ulusel
Arzu Yaraş
Arzu Yaraş
Estimated Reading Time: 5 hrs. 54 min.Page Number: 208Publication Date: August 2020First Publication Date: March 2013Publisher: Yapı Kredi Yayınları
ISBN: 9789750847417Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Ömer F. Oyal
Ömer F. OyalYazar · 9 books
1959 Yılında İstanbul’da doğdu. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü’nden mezun oldu. Yeni Olgu, Söz, Ve Özgürlük, Gelecek ve Insıng Turkey dergilerinde dış politika üzerine yazıları yayımlandı. Çiftçilerin Sesi dergisinde editör olarak çalıştı. Uzun Yıllar Center For Internaional Dialogue and Cooperation’da ve Insing Turkey dergisinde çalıştı. Oyal, Halen uluslar arası bir haber ajansında Orta Asya raportörlüğü yapmaktadır.