Galatea Hakkında

Galatea konusu, istatistikler, fiyatları ve daha fazlası burada.


In Ancient Greece, a skilled marble sculptor has been blessed by a goddess who has given his masterpiece – the most beautiful woman the town has ever seen – the gift of life. Now his wife, Galatea is expected to be obedience and humility personified, but it is not long before she learns to use her beauty as a form of manipulation. In a desperate bid by her obsessive husband to keep her under control, she is locked away under the constant supervision of doctors and nurses. But with a daughter to rescue, she is determined to break free, whatever the cost.
ISBN: 9780062319654Dil: İngilizce

Kitap İstatistikleri

Kitabın okur profili

Kadın% 88.6
Erkek% 11.4
0-12 Yaş
13-17 Yaş
18-24 Yaş
25-34 Yaş
35-44 Yaş
45-54 Yaş
55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

Yazar Hakkında

Madeline Miller
Madeline MillerYazar · 4 kitap
Madeline Miller, Amerikalı romancı, Akhilleus'un Şarkısı ve Ben Kirke'nin yazarı. Miller, Latin ve Yunanca öğretmeni olarak çalışırken, 10 yılda Akhilleus'un Şarkısı'nı yazdı. Eğitim: Brown Üniversitesi, The Shipley School, Yale School of Drama