İslam Ceza Hukuku ve İnsani Esasları

M. Cevat Akşit

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İslâm hukuku kendi aslî kaynaklarından başlayarak “müctehid” dediğimiz düşünürlerin çalışmaları ile dikkate şayan bir tekâmül idrak etmiştir. Naklî esasların rasyonel çalışmaları işlenmesi, yorumlanması bu tekâmülün başlıca âmili olmuştur. Böylece biri daha ziyâde nakle, öbürü akla dayanan iki ayrı hukuk çevresi arasında birçok peşin hükümlüleri şaşırtıcı sayılabilecek ilginç bir muvazîlik ortaya çıkmıştır. İslâm Ceza Hukuku, Modern Ceza Hukukunun birçok esaslarıyla âhenkli bir gelişim göstermiştir
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 19 min.Page Number: 223Publication Date: January 2011First Publication Date: August 2004Publisher: Gümüşev Yayıncılık
ISBN: 6055779023Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

M. Cevat Akşit
M. Cevat AkşitYazar · 10 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born in Denizli/Yatağan in 1938. He lost his father, Şakir Ali Efendi, a scholarly person, when he was only 4 years old. He was raised by his mother, Havva Hanım. After completing primary school, he took Quran and Arabic lessons from his uncle Zühtü AKŞİT for 2 years. He entered Isparta Imam-Hatip School in 1952. In 1956, he transferred to Istanbul Imam-Hatip School. From there in 1958. He graduated. He received knowledge from Mehmed Zahid Koktu for many years at the Ummu Gulsum Mosque in Fatih-Zeyrek, where he was appointed as a muezzin in the same year. He graduated from two different faculties, Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute in 1963 and Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1965. He became a doctor in 1975, an associate professor in 1980, and a professor of Islamic Law in 1988. In addition to being a faculty member in the period between 1970 and 1980, he also carried out various administrative, legal, industrial and commercial activities such as Director of Erzurum Higher Islamic Institute, Member of the Board of Directors of Trakya University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Auditor at Türk Traktör Fabrikası A.Ş., and lawyer at İzmir and Istanbul Bar Associations. carried it out together. Prof. Dr. Cevat AKŞİT, who speaks French and Arabic, has various books on Islamic Law and Labor Law, as well as articles, conferences and notifications published at home and abroad, in addition to his works on Business Law and Labor Law, which are taught as textbooks in universities. He served as the Head of Department of Islamic Law at Sakarya University Faculty of Theology and retired from there. He is married and has four children.