Mayalar Quotes

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Temple of the Warriors was closely modeled on Pyramid “B” at Tula, but its far greater size and the excellence of the workmanship lavished upon it suggest that the Toltec intruders were better off in Yucatan, where they could call upon the skills of Maya architects and craftsmen.
Chichen Itza, which in those days may have been called Uukil-abnal (“Seven Bushes”), became, under the rule of Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, the supreme metropolis of a united kingdom, a kind of splendid recreation of the Tula which he had lost.
Maya takvimi
Within the Ha’b calender, there were 18 named “months” of 20 days each, with a much-dreaded interval of 5 unlucky days added at the end. A particular day in the 260-day count, such as 1 K’an, also had a position in the Ha’b, for instance 2 Pop. A day designated as 1 K’an 2 Pop could not return until 52 Ha’b (18,980 days) had passed. This is the Calendar Round, and it is the only annual time count possessed by the highland peoples of Mexico, one that obviously has its disadvantages where events taking place over a span of more than 52 years are concerned.
While city-states such as Palenque, Copan, and Piedras Negras exercised considerable political control over wide areas beyond their borders, the two major “players” were Tikal and Calakmul, the latter being the largest of all Maya cities. Their conflict recalls the global Great Game of imperial powers in the nineteenth century, fighting wars through proxies, far away from their borders.
First and foremost were epidemic diseases previously unknown in the New World, such as smallpox, influenza, and measles. It is generally agreed among scholars that these produced a holocaust unparalleled in the world’s history: within a century, 90% of the native population had been killed off, including that of the Maya area. Smallpox, in fact, had reached the Guatemalan highlands even before the arrival of the Alvarado brothers, and it is a wonder that the weakened Maya put up the defense that they did.
The conquest and “pacification” of the Southern Area has traditionally been ascribed to the military prowess of several hundred Spanish conquistadores, led by the ruthless and cruel Alvarado brothers, Pedro and Jorge. But a recent study by the University of Leiden researcher Florine Asselbergs of a large painted cloth map depicting the conquest of Guatemala has revealed the all-important role played by many thousands of indigenous allies from central and southern Mexico in the various Spanish campaigns – a role barely acknowledged by the victorious Spaniards.
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