Peter Pan

J. M. Barrie

Peter Pan Reviews

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7.9Out of 10
1,722 People · 262 Review
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 19 days
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I read this book upon a recommendation. Actually, everything happened in a time period I never expected. That was the time when I started to get bored with life and every day was exactly the same. In those meaningless days I mentioned, a man came to me with the suggestion of a Peter Pan book. This man was one of my turning points. That's why Peter
Peter Pan
Peter PanJ. M. Barrie · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20196.8k okunma
192 syf.
Not rated
Read in 6 days
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I wish James Matthew Barrie said, "All children grow up, except one." If I were that child he said... I had exactly this feeling when I finished the book. Now this winter time I feel like leaving my window open and waiting for Peter. Dear Peter, dear James Matthew Barrie... I say so because this book, which we have read as a children's book for
Peter Pan
Peter PanJ. M. Barrie · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20196.8k okunma
192 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
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Peter Pan was a fairy tale hero that I vaguely remember from my childhood. I wanted to become nostalgic by re-reading modern classics. When I read it through adult eyes, the story seemed quite dark. I was very impressed when I read the author's life story. When James Barrie's brother, David, the family's most beloved child, dies, James' mother cannot recover. To improve his mother's morale, one day James starts acting like his older brother by dressing in his clothes. His mother liked this very much and this game continued for years. The passing years have a great psychological impact on James. When he turns 20, he is still a child who does not want to grow up. In fact, due to this incident, he suffered from a disorder called psychological dwarfism. Even as an adult, his height is 142 cm. The author transferred all copyrights of Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Hospital, and all income went to sick children. When I did a little research, I learned that the original story of Peter Pan was much darker. This is the softened version of what we read. Peter Pan is a child who was forgotten by his mother and therefore does not want to grow up. He lives with his gang in a country that doesn't exist. Sometimes he fights with Indians and sometimes with pirates. His arch enemy is Captain Hook. Even though Peter says he doesn't love his mother, he always looks for a mother for himself. He can't stand growing up and growing children. In this story, we read about his adventures with Wendy. It was nice to re-read the crocodile that swallowed a clock and Captain Hook, who was very afraid of him, which I remember from my childhood. I recommend it to those who want to experience nostalgia.
Peter Pan
Peter PanJ. M. Barrie · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20196.8k okunma
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 5 days
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Thank God, my son also got the damn thing they call 2-year-old syndrome. I can barely see the face of the book these days. I decided to prepare for KPSS as well. A wonderful process awaits me. That's why this sweet, easy-to-read book crawled into my hands again. There is no one who does not know Peter Pan. The flying, entering through the window, naughty and mischievous Peter Pan of our childhood. Be sure to read it to protect your child's soul.
Peter Pan
Peter PanJ. M. Barrie · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20196.8k okunma
185 syf.
Not rated
Read in 4 days
Bütün çocuklar büyür, biri hariç...
J. M. Barrie 'in meşhur masalı Peter Pan. Kitap temelinde büyümek istemeyen bir çocuğu anlatıyor. Bir zamanlar hepimizde böyle bir istek olmuştur. Büyümek istememişizdir. Malasef buna engel olamadığımızın da farkındayızdır. Bir Peter Pan olamasak da içimizdeki çocuğu büyütmemekle yetiniyoruz bizlerde. Kitap Darling ailesinin evinde başlıyor. Bir gün ailenin en büyük çoğu Wendy, Peter Pan' i yerde ağlarken görüyor ve onunla konuşmaya başlıyor. Wendy Peter'a yardım ediyor. Bunun üzerine Peter onu Hiçbiryere götürmek istiyor ve kızı kandırmak için her türlü yolu deniyor. Ve en sonunda Wendy ile birlikte evdeki diğer iki çocuğu da alarak Hiçbiryere uçuyorlar. Ve bu kısımdan sonra başlarından geçen maceralar anlatılıyor. Malesef kitabı çok severek okudum diyemeyeceğim. Yazarın yer yer araya girmesi, kadına sinirlendiğim için söylemekten vazgeçtim gibi ifadelerin yer alması, sizce hangi hikayeyi anlatayım demesi çok keyif verici değildi. Peter Pan gibi kibirli, ukala ve bencil karakterde birini sevmek çok kolay olmadı okurken. Çok nadir yerde etkiledi beni Peter. Ayrıca kitabı öğrencilere önermenin de çok doğru olacağını sanmıyorum. Kitapta çocuklar için şeytan ifadesi yer alıyor. Annelerin koruyucu oluşları alaycı bir dille eleştiriliyor. Annelerin çok sert, katı oldukları çoğu şeyi mecbur oldukları için yaptıkları söyleniyor. Kitabın çoğu kısmında öldürmek işi keyif verici bir şekilde anlatılıyor. Açıkçası okurken hep aklımdan bunu çocuklar okumamalı, ben olsam kesinlikle çocuğuma okutmam dedim.
Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Peter PanJ. M. Barrie · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20196.8k okunma
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