
Remnants of Filth

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Xihe-jun, welcome home!
“ On this day, ice and snow melted away; all of his happiness and sorrow could no longer be hidden, all of it on display before his soldiers—but, what surprised him was, not a single person laughed at him. Those joking and enthusiastic smiles were gradually held back; they gazed intently at him, as if the barrier that had been between them for a long time had shattered. Suddenly, someone unafraid of death shouted out, "Xihe-jun, welcome home!" The crowd was silent, and Mo Xi made no sound either.”
“But Mo Xi knew that wasn’t true, that none of this was a dream. He’d once gone into the past and saw Gu Mang and Lu Zhanxing’s final farewell; Gu Mang had yearned so deeply for his lonely self to have relatives by his side. He thought of what Yue Chenqing had said as well, that Murong Chuyi had always been alone; an infant abandoned at a temple, never knowing who his family was, or whether they were still alive. Of the two of them, one was cold and one was warm, one was hoping with fervency, one was seeking in silence. They seemed completely unrelated, but as it turned out….. as it turned out…..”
“Mengze said you woke up during the day, but perhaps because I'm unlucky, you're asleep every time I come to see you." Mo Xi spoke to him in a very low voice, as if hoping he would hear, yet also hoping not to disturb him.”
“Mo Xi coughed blood, suppressing the shattered sobs in his throat, suddenly closing his eyes with a shiver. Tears escaped his eyes, flowing out unstoppably down his cheeks—he had almost collapsed. Back then, what must Gu Mang have..... felt? Clearly, he had just sworn a xiongzhang, only getting to call him dage so few times in his life before having to send him to the gallows. Clearly, he knew his dage was innocent, was falsely accused, but couldn't exonerate him or tell anyone the truth. When Gu Mang smiled as he swore and kowtowed towards Lu Zhanxing, what was he feeling... What flesh injury on earth could hurt more than the sorrow of being a spy? Knowledge that couldn’t be said, love that couldn’t be told. A pair of hands..... stained with the blood of his brothers, his comrades, against his will. Watching as the demons and beasts around him devastated the nation he used to protect, but still having to laugh, and shout, 'how delightful!' Hearing from his motherland the wailing of civilians, the crying of infants, the enraged shouting of soldiers, but still having to put on an indestructible mask, unable to shed a single tear[…]”
“Why did you have to hide it from me..... Why.... before you walked onto this path.... you pushed even me to the side..... not knowing anything..... Why?!! Why.....”
“I stayed there for a long, long time. Later, I discovered that this island was a moving island. It would never stay for long in one place......" Gu Mang and Mo Xi exchanged glances. What kind of island was this? Covered in flowers and moving around in the sea, truly something unheard of. "All four seasons were like spring, probably because an immortal lived here, so the spirit of plants flourished,” Wuyan said. “But, even though there were a lot of plants, there weren't very many living things that could speak. On this island, other than me, there was only the immortal who saved me. His everything was good, but he was just too mysterious. He wouldn't tell me where he came from. He wouldn't even tell me his name. After knowing him for so long, all I knew was that his last name was Chen.”
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