Sons and Lovers

D. H. Lawrence

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'A work whose power stands the test of time' Sunday Times Set in 1900s, this is a lushly descriptive and highly autobiographical portrayal of a young man growing up in class-divided Nottingham. Paul Morel is the focus of his disappointed and fiercely protective mother's life. Their tender, devoted and intense bond comes under strain when Paul falls in love with Miriam Leivers, a local girl his mother disapproves of. The arrival of the provocatively modern Clara Dawes causes further tension and Paul is torn between his individual desires and family allegiances. Set in a Nottinghamshire mining town at the turn of the twentieth century, this is a powerful portrayal of family and love in all its forms.
Estimated Reading Time: 12 hrs. 42 min.Page Number: 448Publication Date: 24 February 2011First Publication Date: 19381Publisher: Vintage Classics
ISBN: 9780099540755Language: English

Book Statistics

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About the Author

D. H. Lawrence
D. H. LawrenceYazar · 47 books
David Herbert Richards Lawrence (d. 11 Eylül 1885 – ö. 2 Mart 1930), 20. yüzyıl İngiliz yazarıdır. Roman, şiir, tiyatro oyunları, denemeler, gezi kitapları, edebiyat eleştirileri, yazmış, çeviriler yapmıştır. Eserlerinde modernizm ve endüstirileşmenin birey üzerindeki yabancılaştırıcı etkisi üzerinde durmuştur.