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A Foreign Policy Parable

The Godfather Doctrine

John C. Hulsman

The Godfather Doctrine Sözleri ve Alıntıları

The Godfather Doctrine sözleri ve alıntılarını, The Godfather Doctrine kitap alıntılarını, The Godfather Doctrine en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
“Michael knows that immediate challenges must first be effectively dealt with.”
Sayfa 68
“… the strategically reckless notion that risk can be eliminated from life altogether through the relentless— and if necessary, preemptive—use of violence.”
Sayfa 38
“Realism allows us to preserve all that we hold dear, perpetuate it, and successfully navigate a new era, just as our forefathers did.”
Sayfa 81
“Force has always been, and will always be, part of the diplomatic equation.”
Sayfa 67
“For in the end Michael’s strategic goal is that of America—to preserve its position in a dangerous world.”
Sayfa 60
Santino Corleone
“Blinded by a militant moralism bereft of strategic insight, he proves an easy target for his foes.”
Sayfa 42
“The resulting war, like Americas Iraq debade, is one of choice rather than strategic necessity.”
Sayfa 42
“But even if Tom doesn’t know the world is shifting, Sollozzo does.”
Sayfa 35
“The travails of the Corleone family in the anarchic and fluid world of organized crime are not unlike those America will face in the anarchic and fluid world of geopolitics.”
Sayfa 18
“But a family policy, or a foreign policy, of merely using carrots suffices only in a world dominated by rabbits.”
Sayfa 66
“For Michael, in trying to preserve the family, represents a status quo and not revolutionary power.”
Sayfa 65
Michael Corleone
“Instead, his overriding goal is to protect the family’s interests and save it from impending ruin by any and all means necessary. In today’s foreign policy terminology, Michael is a realist.”
Sayfa 46
“As the past few years have shown, military intervention for its own sake, without a corresponding political plan, leads only to disaster.”
Sayfa 42
“As the Don put it to Michael, “Men cannot afford to be careless.””
Sayfa 37
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