Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art

The Hermetic Tradition

Julius Evola

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This important survey of alchemical symbols and doctrines sets forth the mysterious worldview and teachings of the practitioners of the "royal art." One of the leading exponents of the Hermetic tradition, Julius Evola demonstrates the singularity of subject matter that lies behind the words of all adepts in all ages, showing how alchemy--often misunderstood as primitive chemistry or a mere template for the Jungian process of "individuation"--is nothing less than a universal secret science of human and natural transformation. First published in 1931 in Italian. This is the first English translation. Draws from a host of sources in the Western esoteric tradition--works on theurgy, magic, and gnosticism from neoplatonic, Arab, and medieval sources.
Julius Evola
Julius Evola
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 48 min.Page Number: 240Publication Date: 1 June 1995Publisher: Inner Traditions
ISBN: 9780892814510Country: United States of AmericaLanguage: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Julius Evola
Julius EvolaYazar · 8 books
Politika, felsefe, tarih ve Tradisyonalist bakış açısından dini konularda yazıları olan bir yazardır. Nazi Almanyası'nın "Ari kökenlere dönüş" fikirlerini desteklemesiyle tanınmıştır. Mito del sangue 1938 (Türkçe Kanın mitolojisi) yazısı ile beden ırkçılığına karşı ruhsal ırkçılığı önemsedi.