Ulusların Kendi Kaderini Tayin Hakkı ve Kürtler

Norman Paech

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First of all, unlimited self-determination, which is the demand of the peoples - and therefore the Kurds - has a political protective content. This goes beyond simple political participation through unions, organisations, elections and representatives in the media alike. To make it clear that what is involved here is political organization within the state, it is also best described by the concept of autonomy or self-government. If peoples remain within their given boundaries in determining their status, then it is a matter of autonomy; If they are inclined to leave their existing union and establish their own state organization, it is a matter of secession. Neither option depends solely on the free will of the minority population, as seen in Canada (Quebec) or Spain (Basques, Catalans). The transition from the demand for autonomy to the demand for separation may have been created or even forced by conditions imposed by the state that were now intolerable.
Norman Paech
Norman Paech
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 5 min.Page Number: 144Publication Date: September 2016Publisher: Amara yayıncılık
ISBN: 9786056551895Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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