Yedinci Mühür

Ingmar Bergman

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Yedinci Mühür
"Nasıl ve neden olduğunu anlamadan yaşamın faniliğini ve nihayetinde her şeyin geçici olduğunu düşündü."
80 syf.
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Vebanın her yanı sardığı dönemde, bir şövalyenin Ölüm ile karşılaşıp Ölüm'ü satranç oynamaya davet etmesiyle başlıyor kitap. Şövalye yenileceğinin bilincinde ancak; Ölüm'ü biraz olsun oyalayıp zaman kazanıyor ve bu sırada hayatın anlamını ve anlamsızlığını düşünüyor, tanrının varlığını sorguluyor ve kafasındaki sorulara cevap arıyor. "Nasıl ve neden olduğunu anlamadan yaşamın faniliğini ve nihayetinde her şeyin geçici olduğunu düşündü."
Yedinci Mühür
Yedinci MühürIngmar Bergman · İz Yayıncılık · 2010226 okunma
The Seventh Seal ben Antonius Block, Ölümle satranç oynuyorum.
KNIGHT: Faith is a torment, did you know that ? It is like loving someone who is out there in the darkness but never appears, no matter how loudly you call.
Mia : Are you tired ? Knight : Yes. Mia: Why? Knight : I have dull company. Mia : Do you mean your squire ? Knight : No, not him. Mia : Who do you mean, then ? Knight : Myself. Mia : I understand. Knight : Do you, really? Mia : Yes, I understand rather well. I have often wondered people torture themselves as often as they can. Isn't that so?
Knight : Death visited me this morning. We are playing chess together.
KNIGHT: In our fear, we make an image, and that image we call God.
KNIGHT: I want knowledge, not faith, not suppositions, but knowledge. I want God to stretch out His hand towards me, reveal Himself and speak to me. DEATH: But He remains silent. KNIGHt: I call out to Him in the dark but no one seems to be there. DEATH : Perhaps no one is there.
Death :What are you waiting for? Knight :I want Knowledge. Death : You want guarantees? Knight :Call it whatever you like. Is it so cruelly inconceivable to grasp God with the senses? Why should He hide himself in a mist of half-spoken promises and unseen miracles? Death doesn't answer. Knight : How can we have faith in those who believe when we can't have faith in ourselves? What is going to happen to those of us who want to believe but aren't able to? And what is to become of those who neither want to nor are capable of believing?
Knight : I want to talk to you as openly as I can, but my heart is empty. Death doesn't answer. Knight : The emptiness is a mirror turned towards my own face. I see myself in it, and I am filled with fear and disgust. Death doesn't answer. Knight : Through my indifference to my fellow men, I have isolated myself from their company. Now I live in a world of phantoms. I am imprisoned in my dreams and fantasies. Death : And yet you don't want to die. Knight : Yes, I do.
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