CLOV: I say to myself—sometimes, Clov, you must learn to suffer better than that if you want them to weary of punishing you—one day. I say to myself—sometimes, Clov, you must be better than that if you want them to let you go—one day. But I feel too old, and too far, to form new habits. Good, it'll never end, I'll never go. Then one day, suddenly, it ends, it changes, I don't understand, it dies, or it's me, I don't understand that either. I ask the words that remain—sleeping, waking, morning, evening. They have nothing to say. I open the door of the cell and go. I am so bowed I only see my feet, if I open my eyes, and between my legs a little trail of black dust. I say to myself that the earth is extinguished, though I never saw it lit. It's easy going. When I fall I'll weep for happiness.
197 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
*It may contain spoilers* The book begins with an introduction, stating that Edward Prendrick wants to explain his uncle's notes. Then we read the notes from his mouth. He remains alone as a result of the sinking of the ship on which he is traveling and after other two sailors in evacuation boat fighting and falling into the water. A ship
Doktor Moreau’nun Adası
Doktor Moreau’nun AdasıH. G. Wells · İthaki Yayınları · 20187.7k okunma
181 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
4/5 Stars (%82/100) A beautiful story about a young half-Indian boy with some sci-fi elements. The story revolves around an Indian-Irish boy named Zits. Zits get into trouble all the time since he is orphaned. One day he meets a very wise white kid named Justice and decides to channel his anger, fear, violence, and all those hidden emotions into a shooting. At that moment he is transferred back in time. This happens five times in the story. All of these past memories teach him that violence is not always the answer. Even a lonely and angry Indian boy like him could find happiness. I LOVED the book. Alexie's humorous yet poetic language is very fun to read. The book is full of tragic events and even I find myself teary-eyed at some point. Definitely a beautiful book with great characters. You could finish it in one sitting like me.
FlightSherman Alexie · Grove Atlantic Black Cat · 20072 okunma
"O sene Mekke'de kıtlık ve pahalılık oldu. Kureyş taifesi Ebu Talib'e gelip yağmur duasına çıkmasını rica eylediler. O da Fahr-i Alem'in elinden tuttu ve birlikte Harem-i Şerif'e gitti. Kabe duvarına dayanıp dua etti. Fahr-i Alem parmağını göğe doğru kaldırdığı gibi yağmur yağmağa başladı. Nitekim Cülhüme bin Urfuta o vakit Mekke'de bulunanlardan biri olup bu kıssayı şöyle anlatmıştır:-Bir sene Mekke'ye gittim. Kıtlık ve pahalılıktan dolayı Mekke ahalisinin hali yaman olduğundan aralarında müşavaere ettiler. Bazıları Lat ve Uzza denilen putlardan, bazıları Menat denilen puttan medet umalım, dedikleri sırada içlerinden bir ihtiyar kimse aranızda hala İbrahim(a.s) neslinden kimseler mevcut iken niçin başka sebep arıyorsunuz, deyince Kureyş eşrafı hemen kalkıp Ebu Talib'in yanına gittiler ve yağmur duasına çıkmasını niyaz ettiler. O da çıkıp Harem-i Şerif'e geldi. Arkasına Kabe duvarına verip duaya başladı. Yanında yüzü güneş gibi parlayan bir oğlancık var idi. Parmaklarıyla göğe işaret eyledi. Gökyüzünde bir parça bulut yok iken her taraftan bulutlar belirip, yağmurlar yağdı, seller aktı."
Sayfa 32 - Çamlıca YayınlarıKitabı okudu
I wish we'd met under different circumstances and with different names. I wish I could wake up to your face every day. If there's a next life, let's meet there, okay?
208 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 24 days
4/5 Stars (%77/100) This was pretty good! If there is even the slightest hint of time travel in a book, you can count me in. That's why I wanted to read this one along with a nice review from one of my friends. The reason why it took me almost a month to finish this is the fact that I chose the audiobook version. It was good but mostly I
Before the Coffee Gets Cold
Before the Coffee Gets ColdToshikazu Kawaguchi · Picador Publishing · 20195.7k okunma
157 öğeden 41 ile 50 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.