Guillaume Apollinaire
Guillaume Apollinaire
: Zone At last you’re tired of this elderly world Shepherdess O Eiffel Tower this morning the bridges are bleating
zamanında hunharca dinlerdim,hey gidi günler
Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you, too "Don't forget me, " I beg I remember you said "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"
First of all, I don't get angry at anyone for no reason or want to break their heart because, as my grandmother said, breaking a heart is like destroying the most sacred place. Unfortunately or fortunately, I do not know the feeling of hate because I have loved all my life, but I did not hate anyone who made me angry and harmed us. I always
From the best love confessions...
When she started biting her bottom lip nervously, he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell even more. Her nerves and the way he was being so honest about his feelings was making him feel something deep inside of him for the girl in front of him. He continued to keep an open and relaxed face after she asks him those questions, he had an answer prepared for her. “I may not know everything about you yet but that doesn't change the facts that I already can tell that you are everything I am looking for in a woman.” She looks at him under her eyelashes. "And what are you looking for in a women?" He took in a slow breath before he replied to her. His replies were getting slower and a little bit quieter now that they were talking about deeper things. He thought about what she asked of him for a bit before he finally answered her. "Someone who isn't afraid to be herself, someone who can make me want to be a better person, and someone I can trust. These three things are extremely important to me... and I feel like you have all of them in you."
The only true freedom for a person is solitude. And what belittles solitude are dependencies. Loves, alcohol, nicotine, moral values, drugs... They can all be shackles at any moment, binding a person's feet. Pleasurable shackles. Their common characteristic is that the pleasure they provide is not felt after a long time, while their absence immediately creates a pain in the heart. A dependent person is like someone riding a merry-go-round. There is neither a destination nor progress in their life. Everyone ends up where they started, spinning until they can't stomach it anymore... A person's struggle with themselves begins with eliminating their dependencies. I struggled for years to let go of them all. For years, I peeled off the shells that covered my body and mind one by one. But like scars left by prematurely torn-off shells, traces remained in my mind. I realized, albeit late, that the only way to completely rid oneself of the dependencies that make a human an animal is to die. That was the difference between Kayra and me. He persisted in believing he could vaporize them all. Anyway! Let's return to the ways dependencies are eradicated while still alive... They never end. They just change shape. If one that wants to be abandoned is removed, a new one is placed in its stead, that's all. That's the only way to rid oneself of a dependency. There is no independent person. Therefore, we choose what suits us best. We say, "I'll smoke, it makes me look taller." Or, "I love people, I want to always be with them, walk among crowded groups of friends," because admitting we're addicted to human flesh is a more polite way of putting it.
Oh god I hate this book! I hate this book!
It was the sickest, stupidest book I've ever seen! And when I say sick, I really mean sick because I am a woman who read Haunting Adeline, loved that book and fell in love with Zade Meadows. And if I find this book sick, imagine how bad it is. The book is all about the spoiled and stupid behavior of 4 stupid boys- yes, boys, not men - because of the wealth of their families. The book is really like something out of wattpad, and not in a good way. The sick part is that this book is not a reverse harem, but the main character allows his best friend to get sexually involved with the main character girl! Look, I've even read books where two brothers love a woman, but this book... Michael is in love with Rika but he lets Damon play with her. If damon was also in love with the girl I would say it's ok but damon is just harassing her and she doesn't really want it! And this book is a series, so Damon will fall in love with someone in the future, he will be the protagonist of a book... How can you write a book about a person like that. First four boys line up to fuck a girl, and then they each have their own love story. Look, this girl is not just any girl, she is the girlfriend of one of these four boys! But she's stupid too. She thinks she's breave and smart, oh god she's nothing at all. She's the useless charcter I ever read. One of the stupidest girl characters I've ever seen in my life. And damn her, she forgives them! I don't know how this book got so much praise... I'm so done with this book, It gives me a headache.
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