"Drive away bad air and darkness with bright iron." "Kötü havayı ve karanlığı parlak demirle kovun gitsin!"
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The motivation of recreation includes feedback, scorekeeping, goal-setting, consistent coaching and personal choice.
İnsan'a Dair
Gelgelelim insanın içinde bütün bu içgüdüleri (açlık, cinsellik, güven-saygınlık arayışı) gölgede bırakacak güçte bir varoluş içgüdüsü (being motivation) de vardı! Sanki karşı koyulmaz bir akıntı; insanı gerçeğe, iyiliğe, güzelliğe, bütünselliğe, ikilikleri aşmaya, canlılığa, yaratıcılığa, kusursuzluğa, doğruluğa, düzene, sadeliğe, gönül zenginliğine, coşkuya ve karşılıksız sevgiye doğru çekiyordu..
Imitation is a factor of social training. In normal “society,” the phe- nomenon is limited by the multiplicity of choices and models suggested. In the CC (Coersive Cult), choice no longer exists and only one model is offered. Imitation of the other, or of the guru, takes on a character of ineluctability that blends into the process of indoctrination. Bandura described two phases in the process of imitation: a phase of observation and a phase of performance. Jointly, four sub-processes come into play during imitation. Attention, or sensory recording of the behaviors to be acquired; retention, which results in a mnemonic representation of the elements to be reproduced; physical replication, which has to do with repeating and integrating the behaviors to be acquired; and finally motivation, which influences the three preceding sub-processes. One can easily see that all the sub-processes are reinforced in the cult. The process of attention is covered by the selection or absence of information. The intensity of cult life is like “being hit over the head,” saturating the follower’s perceptive and sensory system. The processes of retention and motor replication are constantly stimulated by rituals — repeating “holy” words, memorizing texts, reciting prayers — which lead to automatic behavior and thought. Motivation is supported and strengthened by the obligation to produce results.
Sayfa 136Kitabı okudu
Tomorrow (noun): a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.
According to Weber, industrial societies are the models in which rational action templates are common. Producing, ruling and social life of a capitalist society are built on rationality. He explains the development reasons of the industrial capitalism in Europe with cultural factors and norms. In Europe, the development of the industrial capitalism’s cultural motives depends on Lutherian morality and its mentality. The nature of this motivation includes working, saving, and avoiding secular delight and pleasure. The cultural behaviour of saving the profit that is achieved by working caused a capital accumulation, which is one of the necessary elements of capitalist society.
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