İnanıp da güzel işler yapan ve Rablerine gönülden boyun eğenlere gelince, işte onlar cennet ehlidir. Onlar orada ebedî kalırlar...🍃 (Sure No:11  Ayet No :23)
208 syf.
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"He's the devil!" "No, he's a god!"
"When I was around 13 years old, people were split into two groups. The users and the used. The warm and the freezing. The humans and the firewood. That was how the world worked. It made sense. And nobody fought back. Nobody except for one person. A man engulfed in flames." "Those people haven't a shred of remorse... treating
Fire Punch, Vol. 3
Fire Punch, Vol. 3Tatsuki Fujimoto · Viz Media Llc · 201819 okunma
Without science we would not have the means to feed a growing global population, to live longer and happier lives, to light and heat our homes, to communicate with each other, to travel the world and beyond, to build great civilisations and democracies, to understand our bodies and to develop the drugs and vaccines that protect us from disease, to relieve millions from the burden of hard manual labour and free more of us to enjoy art, literature, music and sport. Without science, there would be no modern world—and, we might argue, no future for our species. So, we should not forget that science is more than a pursuit of knowledge. It is a means by which we can both survive and live more contented lives.
We must stand up for reality, for truth. We must learn good judgement, develop our analytical skills, help our loved ones do the same, and expect the same of our leaders. We must all … well … think more scientifically. This is how we can better understand and withstand the challenges that the real world throws at us and make better decisions in our lives. This is how we can also stand up for the reality that we want for ourselves and others—a world in which we are no longer prisoners, chasing shadows in the dark, but are freer and more enlightened.
There will always be those who mistrust any attempts to filter the truth from the lies. In a sense, this is unavoidable. It is not admitting defeat, but simply facing up to reality. We cannot hope to persuade and convince everyone—but we do have a responsibility as a society to try to ensure that no one intent on spreading lies and misinformation for their own nefarious ends ever gets to be in a position of influence, since this can have far-reaching consequences and potentially alter the future course of humanity. Throughout history, there have been despotic rulers, unpleasant political leaders and false prophets who through force, coercion and lies have convinced millions to follow them. Such people will always be with us.
360 syf.
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No, ı Kant.kitapla bağlantım bu cümle.
Kitap beğeniye sunulacak bir kitap değil. Düşünceler silsilesi. Anlamadığım ve peşine düştüğüm bir sürü kelime. Kant'ın karmaşıklığı yetmezmiş gibi Martin'in açıklamaları işi iyice içinden çıkılmaz hale getirmiş. Okunacak daha açık ve anlaşılır bir kitap bulabilirdim. Kitap güzel olsa da yanlış bir tercih. Sevgiler.
Kant ve Metafizik Problemi
Kant ve Metafizik ProblemiMartin Heidegger · Alfa Yayınları · 202130 okunma
İslamcılarla birlikte, askıda ekmek, askıda simit gibi terimler girdi yaşamımıza. Ancak İslamcıların gerçek yüzünü halkımız henüz anlamış değil. Örneğin İslamcıların stoğunda ‘’askıda sopa’’ var. Askıda sopa henüz yaygınlaşmadı. Ancak bilmek de yarar var. Bunu İbni Abbas aktarmış. Hadiste aile reislerine, erkeklere hitap var şöyle diyor: ”Ev
304 syf.
4/10 puan verdi
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o kadar sacmaydi ki. yazar sanki gunluk yazar gibi yazmis cok acemiceydi. aria ve kiz kardeslerinin salakliklarina hayret etmekten kitabi okuyamadim resmen. hele o sacma sapan adetler??? midem bulandi. magara adami luca’yi hic soylemiyorum. aralarinda kimya sifirdi o ask sevgi hic gecmedi bana ki zaten kitabin yarisi smuttan olusuyor. ve yaslarinin bu kadar kucuk olmasi beni cok rahatsiz etti ya. okudugum en kotu mafya kitaplarindandi. cidden cringten bayginlik gecirerek okudum. kitap 2014’te yazilmis bu arada yani bi yere kadar anlayabiliyorum bu yuzden ama yine de no for me yani.
OnurCora Reilly · Nemesis Kitap · 2024247 okunma
Mark Twain once wrote, 'Those who don't read great books are at no advantage over those who cannot read.' The same is true when it comes to money. Those who don't manage their money well are no better off than those who don't have money to manage.
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