The greatest burden is when a person is let down in the middle of their life...
The other day, I was sitting in the backyard and was reminded of God’s promise to Abraham. That his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky, as the sand on the shore. Watching the clouds drift by in flocks, I asked myself, ‘What about us? What if our descendants won’t be as numerous as the clouds in the sky?
"Always very busy, no doubt;for he and I are certainly the busiest people in the parish. But he is doctor of the body... and I of the soul."
People are not Excel spreadsheets. We can’t calculate everything. We’re way too intricate to be described in full. Even the youngest child is far more intricate than anything that could be conveyed in a book. However, we can avoid the most blatant blunders by understanding the basics of human communication.
Sayfa 15 - yes we can, but how?
cömertliğin en nadir ve saf formu.
Dikkatini vermek cömertliğin en az rastlanır, en saf biçimidir.
saw you my true love anywhere? welladay! welladay! for the winds of may! love is unhappy when love is away!
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