Serra Gencer

Serra Gencer
Yaşamak Güzel Şey Be Kardeşim... Nazım Hikmet Ran
30 October
46 reader point
Joined on September 2020
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kanka sen böyle yapmaya devamm....
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SORUUUU😍😍Sizi en çok etkileyen kitabı ya da kitapları yoruma bırakır mısınız?✍🏻❤️
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Serra Gencer yorumladı.
320 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Spoiler riski yok.
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An LGBT themed book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and I think it was very successful in its category - youth. The analyzes on adolescents were quite solid, I think it is also effective that the author is a clinical psychologist. But I said, "Homophobes should read this book, it will break prejudices." I can't say that because in my opinion, homophobia is stupidity and you can't prove to a fool that he is stupid. . . We say that love has no gender. So is it really that easy to explain who you're in love with? Or people accepting it? This is the main point, you need to accept some things, not people. For example, who you will love. Only then will you gather your courage and live your life. Here we are reading a part of the ebb and flow of our main character, Simon's life. Unfortunately, not every person who reveals their sexual orientation or identity is viewed as moderate or acceptable as in the book. In this respect, the realism of the book drops a little. We directly get the impression of "stereotypical European adolescents and their problems" from the book - which is present in a few places - but in general, many other topics are touched upon. It will be like a cure for Reading Slump. Note: Research what this means, because curiosity is good. 2.Note: I can also recommend Dear Mr. Daniels, which has a similar theme. However, it is a much more dramatic book than this. Finally, I would like to end the review as the author wrote in the “thanks” section: «LGBT and gender non-conforming children and adolescents (and their extraordinary families); You blow my mind with your wisdom, sense of humor, creativity and courage.”
Simon Homo Sapiens'e Karşı
Simon Homo Sapiens'e KarşıBecky Albertalli · Pegasus Yayınları · 2017479 okunma
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