Acı. Tüm o dayak ve aşağılama. Tecavüz . Gümüs telle boğma. Seçkin bir cinayet. Sly için işi, derli toplu üç perdelik bir performanstı. Yalnızca mekânlar ve kişiler değişiyordu. Şovun yıldızı her zaman kendisiydi.
There are always those for whom a wink is an insult, a smile a taunt. For whom humour alone is cause for suspicion, as if laughter was sly contempt.
“Also, you usually have a hickey here. You can’t see it, but whenever you pull your hair up, it’s visible.” I touch the back of my neck. That sly fucking bastard. He’s been leaving hickeys all this time? And here I thought he just loved kissing me there. “Jer.” “What?” “I can’t take this, he’s so fucking adorable.” “For leaving a hickey?” “For staking a claim and being sneaky about it while complaining that I leave too many.”
For those living under dictatorship, the new language was essentially a code; just as musicians hid the political messages in their lyrics in sly metaphors, they were disguising their leftism in legalese—a way of engaging in politics without mentioning politics.
I'll read one book and be completely wild about it—I'll trust it, I'll assimilate it, I'll sympathize with it, I'll try to make it a part of my life. Then, I'll read another book and, instantly, I'll switch over to that one. The sly ability to steal someone else's experience and recreate it as if it were my own is the only real talent I possess.
Kadınlar gerçekten tehlikeli.
Kimlik ve kişilik birbirinden farklı şeylerdir.Sly in bir süre için kimliği değişir ama kişiliği değişmez.Katherina nin ise kimliği değişmez,ama kişiliği değişmiş gibi görünür.Aralarinda mi fark budur.
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