346 syf.
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Read in 64 days
Hard Times reminded me of Huxley's Brave New World. Both portray a dystopian city. The difference is that Hard Times is too in your face. Dickens' fictional city Coketown, homes people of radically different points of view and means of living when the circus stops over the town for a few months. There are people obsessed with
Hard Times
Hard TimesCharles Dickens · Nan Kitap · 20191,038 okunma
Your friends are telling you that when your man wants to make love to you, one day you should say you have a headache. Another day, you should say you are too tired; the third day, you are not in the mood.
Kitabın 1. bölümü için anahtar noktalar ve ek okumalar
-Evrim, esas olarak seçilim yoluyla, organizma popülasyonları arasındaki kalıtsal varyasyon üzerinde işler. -Seçilim, sağlık ve yaşam süresini değil, uyum gücünü (yaşam süresince üreme başarısını) en yüksek düzeye çıkarmaya çalışır. -Sağlık ve hastalık, bir bireyin şimdiki çevresi bağlamında, evrimsel ve gelişimsel arka plan tarafından belirlenir. -Sağlık ve hastalık kavramları evrimsel bakış açısı tarafından belirlenmiştir. Ek okumalar Check, E. (2006), Human evolution: how Africa learned to love the cow, Nature 444, 994-996. Darwin, C.R. (1859) On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, 1st edn. John Murray, London. Darwin, C.R. (1871) The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. John Murray, London. Fogel, R.W. (2004) The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America and the Third World. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Gilbert, S.F. (2006) Developmental Biology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. Quammen, D. (2007) The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: an Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Making of his Theory of Evolution, WW Norton, New York. Steams, S.C. (1992) The Evolution of Life Histories. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Steams, S.C. and Ebert, D. (2001) Evolution in health and disease work in progress. Quarterly Review of Biology 76, 417-432. Tishkoff, S.A., Reed, F.A., Ranciaro, A. et al. (2007) Convergent adaptation of human lactase persistence in Africa and Europe. Nature Genetics 39, 31-40.
Sayfa 18 - Palme yayıncılıkKitabı okudu
252 syf.
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Darwin wrote this book in 1872. It's interesting to compare what he wrote about then with what his successor theorists write about today. In contrast to today’s emphasis on universals (e.g., humans are this or not this or that), Darwin notes throughout this book that individuals have a wide variability in physical, emotional, and mental
İnsanın Türeyişi
İnsanın TüreyişiCharles Darwin · Evrensel Basım Yayın · 2015724 okunma
328 syf.
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This happens to be my third read and like the one that immediately precedes it, it's well worth the extra effort. Absolutely amazing is only a part of what it is. It's also a complicated exploration of comparative religions, a roaring tale of a battle between God and the Devil, and it's also about totally re-writing reality because
Kutsal İstila
Kutsal İstilaPhilip K. Dick · Alfa Yayınları · 202023 okunma
Mutlaka izlenmesi gereken 70 Bilim Kurgu Filmleri 1- Interstellar (2014) 2- Inception (2010) 3- Matrix serisi 4- Star Wars Serisi 5- Alien Serisi
On the sled, in the box, lay a third man whose toil was over- a man whom the Wild had conquered and beaten down until he would never move nor struggle again
Sorun güzel bir yüz değildi. Her gün birlikte yaşanacak bir yüzdü. Yaşam için bir yüz. Dilini bilmediğim yeni bir ülkeye giriyormuşum gibi hissediyordum.Her zaman bir kadının güzelliği için sevildiğine inandım.
Gangleri spoke: 'What were things like before generations came to be and the human race was multiplied?' Then spoke High: "These rivers, which are called Elivagar, when they had got so far from their source that the poisonous flow that accompanied them began to go hard like the clinker that comes from a furnace, it turned to ice;
Sayfa 10 - Everyman's Library, Translated by Anthony FaulkesKitabı okuyor
"A man lives three lives. The first one ends with the loss of naivety, the second, with the loss of innocence and the third… with the loss of life itself. It’s inevitable that we go through all three stages.”
The Third Man
« ...İtalya'da 30 yıl boyunca Borjiyalar hüküm sürdü, bu süre içinde hep kan döküldü, cinayetler işlendi yani hep savaş, kıyım ve terör vardı. Ama Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci ve Rönesans'ı da onlar yarattı. Oysa İsviçre'de 500 yıl boyunca barış, kardeşlik ve demokrasi vardı, ama buna karşılık ne yaratabildiler? Sadece guguklu saati! »
Top 20 movies of 2020 20. apples Christopher nikou's first feature appeared as one of the surprise films that seasoned the 2020 cinema year. Director nikou, who also worked as an assistant director in the movie dogtooth (2009) with yorgos lanthimos, follows the tradition of Greek New Wave Cinema (greek weird wave) and also makes a very
Top 20 movies of 2020 20. apples Christopher nikou's first feature appeared as one of the surprise films that seasoned the 2020 cinema year. Director nikou, who also worked as an assistant director in the movie dogtooth (2009) with yorgos lanthimos, follows the tradition of Greek New Wave Cinema (greek weird wave) and also makes a very
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