If time is a subjective experience, does it have an objective existence?
Nothing makes time pass or shortens the way like a thought that absorbs in itself all the faculties of the one who is thinking. External existence is then like a sleep of which this thought is the dream. Under its influence, time has no more measure, space has no more distance. = “Hiçbir şey, düşünen kişinin tüm yetilerini kendi içinde özümseyen bir düşünce kadar zamanı geçiremez veya yolu kısaltamaz. O halde dış varoluş, bu düşüncenin rüyası olduğu bir uyku gibidir. Onun etkisi altında zamanın ölçüsü kalmaz, uzayın mesafesi kalmaz.”
Inception of perception....
I have two ideals of woman. If I cannot obtain the one that is noble and simple, the woman who will faithfully and truly share my life, well then I don't want anything half-way or lukewarm. Then I would rather be subject to a woman without virtue, fidelity, or pity.
Do not obbsessed to competitor
Lego invented a toy that has stood the test of time not because it was lucky, but because nearly everyone who works there wants to do things to en- sure that the company will survive them. Their drive is not to beat the quarter, their drive is to "continue to create inno- vative play experiences and reach more children every year." According to Carse, a finite-minded leader plays to end the game to win. And if they want to be the winner, then there has to be a loser. They play for themselves and want to defeat the other players. They make every plan and every move with winning in mind. They almost always believe they must act that way, even though, in fact, they don't have to at all. There is no rule that says they have to act that way. It is their mindset that directs them.
Men want, women want to be wanted. Is that it?
"We will live together," she continued, "share our daily life, so that we may find out whether we are really fitted for each other. I grant you all the rights of a husband, of a lover, of a friend. Are you satisfied?" "I suppose, I'll have to be?" "You don't have to." "Well then, I want to—" "Splendid. That is how a man speaks. Here is my hand."
“You should know that if we do fucking kill you, the we'll just delete you. You got that? One click and then you're overwriten with random ones and zeros. Undelete is not an option.”
“It's not what I'd want for at my funeral. When I die, I just want them to plant me somewhere warm. And then when the pretty women walk over my grave I would grab their ankles, like in that movie.”
“The shape does not change. There was a human being who was born, lived, and then, by some means or another, died. There. you may fill in the details from your own experience. As unoriginal as any other tale, as unique as any other life. Lives are like snowflakes - forming patterns we have seen before, (...) but still unique.”
When a couple fights, then reconciles, the joys of reconciliation only make the attachment stronger.
I deny you not of your gracious beauty, Yet if your beauty is the sole reason for my love, Then my love shall not name lovely but condemn "foolery", And my troth be nothing but a horse which drove By elements as superficial as false courtesies,
Sayfa 8 - Liu Yi PublishingKitabı okuyor
Wind - be calm!
O Let me, Not in the tone of flattery, Implore you in Keeping your mildest temperament, O may calmness be Vested in all elements concerned you be free, And take pity of my petty verses,
Sayfa 7 - Liu Yi PublishingKitabı okuyor
Mood of the morning
Harmony. Like heaven, Awakened the humans, Who killed the tree, Cooked the innocent peacock young, Polluted the mountain and the sea, The golden sun made its protest furiously, Human ignored its angry protest without any difficulties, Then sent a rocket to shut the sun up. The rocket made a trip to His heavenly palace Mighty God looked down and shook his head, No more overture can be heard anywhere, So the ocean stayed drunk forever, Human then raped the mountain, Built houses with trees, Nothing to kill, Killed themselves, Greed.
Sayfa 5 - Liu Yi PublishingKitabı okuyor
I am not against any love, but if love creates hell, then I will not suggest that you go on living in misery.
The group tracked the impact of research papers over time. They saw that papers with new knowledge combinations were more likely to be published in less prestigious journals, and also much more likely to be ignored upon publication. They got off to a slow start in the world, but after three years, the papers with new knowledge combos surpassed the conventional papers, and began accumulating more citations from other scientists. Fifteen years after publication, studies that made multiple new knowledge combinations were way more likely to be in the top 1 percent of most-cited papers. To recap: work that builds bridges between disparate pieces of knowl- edge is less likely to be funded, less likely to appear in famous journals, more likely to be ignored upon publication, and then more likely in the long run to be a smash hit in the library of human knowledge.
Sayfa 282Kitabı okudu
"I’m tired of letting fear rule my life. I’m terrified of loving you. I’m terrified of what would happen if I let myself love you and then lost you. But I’m more terrified of living my life without your love than I am of taking a chance. I love you more than the total of all my fears put together.”
"If you stay in the present moment and not go where your mind is trying to lead you, then you will always be safe."
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