Postmodernism is an intellectual dead end; it’s central premise seems to be derived from a saying of Nietzsche’s, “There are no facts; only interpretations”, which is thought to mean that each one of us views “reality” through our individual perspective. This is true to a degree, but as with so many aphorisms, there are limits to its validity;
Water flows from high places to low places. That is the nature of gravity. Emotions also seem to act according to gravity. When in the presence of someone with whom you have a bond, and to whom you have entrusted your feelings, it is hard to lie and get away with it. The truth just wants to come flowing out. This is especially the case when you are trying to hide your sadness or vulnerability. It is much easier to conceal sadness from a stranger, or from someone you don’t trust.
Sayfa 108Kitabı okudu
“Chemistry lies, Zephyr.” “Then what tells the truth?” “Heart.” “And what does yours say?” “Nothing. Fucker hasn't spoken in years. It’s a dead, scarred piece of useless muscle.”
Don't you run and hide from the truth you decide Everything thats lives is gone to waste
208 syf.
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Yazarın Harika Dünyası
Kitapla ilk karşılaştığımda yazarın oyuncu olan Buğra Gülsoy olduğunu öğrenince çok şaşırmıştım. Hiç bir önyargıya fırsat vermeyecek bir kitap. İlginç konusu, akıcı cümleler, bağlantılı olaylar, Distopya, Spiritüalizm ve daha niceleri.. Özellikle Buğra Bey’in bu distopyayı yaratmadan önce gerekli araştırmaları yaptığı, konuları özümsediği çok belli. Ayrıca oyunculuk ve yönetmenliğinin de olumlu etkisiyle kitabı okurken zihninizde filmini de izliyor gibi oluyorsunuz. Hikayenin özü aslında post-truth çağını çok iyi eleştiriyor. Yaşadığımız pandemi dönemine dokunuşlar da çok yerindeydi. İyi ki okumuşum. Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim. Luna sayesinde diğer kitaplarını da satın aldım. Onları da ayrıca inceleyeceğim. :)
LunaBuğra Gülsoy · İnkilap Kitabevi · 2022231 okunma
Ama işin aslı başka: Ona soru sormama sesini çıkarmasa da hiçbirine cevap vermiyor. Bazen sorularımı hiç duymuyor! İşte bu hâldeyiz! But the truth is different: Even though she doesn't utter a word when I ask her questions, she doesn't respond to any of them. Sometimes she doesn't even hear my questions! That's where we stand!
Death, always cruel
Death, always cruel, Pity's foe in chief, Mother who brought forth grief, Merciless judgment and without appeal! Since thou alone hast made my heart to feel This sadness and unweal, My tongue upbraideth thee without relief. And now (for I must rid thy name of ruth) Behoves me speak the truth Touching thy cruelty and wickedness: Not that they be not known; but ne'ertheless I would give hate more stress With them that feed on love in very sooth. Out of this world thou hast driven courtesy, And virtue, dearly prized in womanhood; And out of youth's gay mood The lovely lightness is quite gone through thee. Whom now I mourn, no man shall learn from me Save by the measure of these praises given. Whoso deserves not Heaven May never hope to have her company.
Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri
“One day Mustafa Kemal will say, “Happy is the man who calls himself a Turk,” and this will be carved into hillsides all over Anatolia. It will become the truth because it was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk who said it.”
“Triangles keep falling on my head. ‘Cause I’m not free. Something is worrying me...” “Just what the truth is I can’t say anymore.”
188 syf.
Puan vermedi
Doubt thou the stars are fire Doubt that the sun doth move Doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt I love Tüm zamanların en iyi yazarının kaleminden çıkmış en sevdiğim sözler yıldızlardan,güneşten ve gerçekten şüphe et ama aşktan şüphe etme. Sanıyorum ki Shakespeare’in zaten yazmadığı insanı ilgilendiren hiçbir şey yok. Aşk, ihanet, hırs, aile ve intikamı okumak için daha orijinal bir hikaye yok.
HamletWilliam Shakespeare · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 202044,7bin okunma
“You want to know the truth, Vivian? If I loved you as much as he claims to love you, nothing would’ve stopped me from keeping you.” “If,” I breathed, my throat unbearably tight. “Hypothetical.” “Yes, mia cara. Hypothetical.”
Sayfa 250Kitabı okudu
Yalanın bazen iyilik olsun diye kullanıldığını biliyorum. Ben yalandan iyilik gelebileceğine inanmam. Doğrunun keskin acısı geçebilir, ama yalanın insanı ağır ağır kemiren ıstırabı hiçbir zaman yok olmaz. Her zaman kanayan bir yaradır. I know that sometimes lies are used for the sake of goodness. I don't believe goodness can come from lies. The sharp pain of truth may pass, but the slow, gnawing agony of lies never disappears. It's always a festering wound.
English Literature
"Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.." - John Keats
"I regret not buying that blue shirt from you. I regret not telling you how much I like it when you blow those bangs out of your eyes. I regret smothering every smile you made me want to give you. And I regret not telling you the truth. But most of all, [I regret] not saying goodbye."
Sayfa 128 - Mak to AdenaKitabı okudu