Kelime dağarcığımız çok fakir olduğu için hayatta başımıza gelen pek çok şey tanımsız kalır. Many things that happen to us in life remain undefined because our vocabulary is very poor.
Eğer kapitalizm yok olursa, bir hata sonucu, keşfedilmeden ve tanımlanmadan yok edil­miş olacaktır: bugüne kadar bu kadar fazla çarpıtma, yanlış algılama ve yanlış ifade etme ile insanlardan giz­lenmiş olan başka hiçbir şey yoktur. If capitalism is destroyed, it will be destroyed as a result of a mistake, undiscovered and undefined: there is nothing else that has so far been hidden from the people by so many distortions, misperceptions and misrepresentations.
Sayfa 45 - Plato Film Yayınları 4. Baskı Çevr. Nejdet KandemirKitabı okudu
The genie’s in the magic, and the magic’s in the steam.
“People wonder how to make it in life. First of kin with innate ability and a lotta hard work. Yes. But don’t forget the steam. The undefined asterisk and intangible. Some call it juice. Some call it magic. The genie’s in the magic. The magic’s in the steam.” *----- “İnsanlar hayatta bunu nasıl başaracaklarını merak ediyorlar. Doğuştan gelen yeteneği ve çok fazla sıkı çalışmasıyla türünün ilk örneği. Evet. Ama buharı unutma. Tanımsız yıldız işareti ve soyut. Bazıları buna meyve suyu diyor. Bazıları buna sihir diyor. Cin sihrin içinde. Sihir buharda."
Some undefined sorrow was hidden in the hearts of the protagonists as they stood in silence beneath the leafless trees
“As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy,” she told the rows of gray-uniformed cadets and West Point officials and professors who overflowed the auditorium. “Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation—or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown.”
Sayfa 378 - The speech at West Point, March of 1974
That money, with the option payments from Woods, was what Ayn and Frank lived on for almost a year. Ayn was a promising playwright with a play about to go into production—and she was struggling to buy enough food to survive. At RKO, she earned about eleven dollars a week, at MGM about twenty dollars a week. Rent was forty dollars a month; her payments were often late. “I’d buy one lamb chop for dinner for Frank,” Ayn would recall. “I had to diet anyway, so I would do without. One day, we had fifty cents between us, and our only - food was the remains of a box of oatmeal. It was slightly Russian. . . . You see why I’m not very glamour-conscious and don’t like to live glamorously. I gave up the idea long before then, but that helped. There was no time to think of it... The tension was enormous because of our financial situation. I was plan- ning The Fountainhead at that time, but I had no peace of mind to really work, I could neither work nor not work—I was running a race with an undefined bank account.” And month by month, Ayn waited for word that Al Woods had obtained his backing.
Sayfa 120
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