184 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3 saatte okudu
3/5 Stars (%55/100) Once again, there are some good parts and overall it's okay-ish. I still think the last few volumes were all over the place with the story going nowhere basically. Seeing Denji grow (although very little) is good and I also appreciate seeing more of Asa, Yoshida and Quanxi. I'm still waiting for that one volume that is going to change everything and make the series great again. Otherwise, this has been going downhill for a while now.
Chainsaw Man 17 - チェンソーマン 17
Chainsaw Man 17 - チェンソーマン 17Tatsuki Fujimoto · Shueisha · 20247 okunma
320 syf.
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43 günde okudu
Spirit of Capitalism
> "It was the power of religious influence, not alone, but more than anything else, which created the differences of which we are conscious to-day” Max Weber saw reformation as a new form of religion control, not elimination of Church’s ones. His aim focused on finding intimate relationship between asceticism and capitalism. He
160 syf.
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9 günde okudu
Aylak Adam
Character C, the main character of the book, loses his mother at the age of 1. His aunt Zehra takes care of him and he feels her aunt's attention and guidance. His father is a rich and flirtatious man. He doesn't love his father and even waits for him to die .While after seeing her aunt and her father in an inappropriate moment, her father hits the ear hard and this creates a great trauma in the idle man in the coming years.Character C does not enjoy paper bags either. When he comes home for dinner, which is repeated every day, the paper bags he takes home seem like a boring, static symbol of marriage. His indifference towards women is also inherited from his father. He searches for someone like his aunt Zehra throughout his life. He searches for a hold, he searches for the meaning of life in a woman, and this is how our character sets off.. Character C, who is disappointed in the women who came into his life at different times and in different places, notices character B, whom he knew a little before. If he had followed her path a long time ago, this story would have already ended. He sees her once again, but just as he chases after her, B disappears into the crowd. The idle man remains alone and devoid of love in the crowd.
Aylak Adam
Aylak AdamYusuf Atılgan · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 201771 okunma
206 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
is a mix of non-fiction and fiction; While living in the present, he can also communicate with an alternative future reality where work, money, land, digital networks and politics are completely democratized. There are no stock exchanges and no commercial banks, where all companies are equally staff-owned, basic income is guaranteed, and housing is fully socialized. Constantly shifting from our current capitalist society to liberal socialism, the author compares the two in a very well-structured way to evaluate whether there is another way to live if capitalism ends. I've learned so much and I'm obsessed with writing. I've never read a book like this before, almost sci-fi and cleverly structured to get your brain thinking about future government and economics. I bought another one of Yanis' books and now I can't wait to read even more of it!!!!!! If you are interested in economics, finance, government policies please read this, I hope you like it as much as I do!!
Başka Bir Şimdi
Başka Bir ŞimdiYanis Varoufakis · Epsilon yayınları · 20234 okunma
16 syf.
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"A Tale For Children" | SPOILER!
"A spectacle... full of so much human truth and with such a fearful lesson." "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" was written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a Colombian writer, in 1968. In this story, Gabriel Garcia Marquez used magic realism, which is based on real life events but also have mysterious and supernatural things.
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
A Very Old Man with Enormous WingsGabriel Garcia Marquez · 196828 okunma
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reading the blind owl from perspective of nietzsche
Sadeq Hedayat is one of my favorite author in the literary world. The Blind Owl that introduced me to Sadeq Hedayat many years ago and it has entered my list of the best. Hedayat's masterpiece The Blind Owl attracted me with the very first lines, and caused me to experience a kind of hysteria with the last page of the book. Coming
The Blind Owl
The Blind OwlSadık Hidayet · Alma books · 028,7bin okunma
19 öğeden 1 ile 10 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.