Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi says... The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you, don't go back to sleep! You must ask for what you really want, don't go back to sleep! People are going back and forth across the doorsill, the door is round and open, don't go back to sleep! I would love to kiss you, the price of kissing is your life. Now, my loving is
While waiting for you, one day is like a hundred year.
Konuyla ilgilenenler ve kitapla ilgili fikir sahibi olmak isteyenler için Alfred R. Mele'nin "Why Science Hasn't Disproved Free Will" kitabından aldığım not ve alıntıları ekliyorum. There are two main scientific arguments today against the existence of free will. One comes from neurosci-ence. Its basic claim is that all our decisions
Albert Einstein
One day, Einstein has to give a conference to all the top scientists in the world. On the way there, he tells his driver, that looks a bit like him, "I'm sick of all these conferences, I always say the same things over and over!" The driver agrees, "You're right, as your driver, I attended all of them, and even though I don't know anything about science, I could give the conference in your place." "That's a great idea!" says Einstein "Lets switch places then!" So they switch clothes and as soon as they arrive, the driver dressed as Einstein, goes on stage and starts giving the usual speech, while the real Einstein, dressed as the car driver, attends it. But in the crowd, there was one scientist who wanted to impress everyone and thought of a very difficult question to ask Einstein, hoping he wouldn't be able to respond. So this guy stands up and interrupts the conference by posing his very difficult question. The whole room goes silent, holding their breath, waiting for the response. The driver looks at him, dead in the eyes and says : "Sir, your question is so easy to answer that I'm going to let my driver reply to it for me."
Gülen Kalp
your life is your life don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. be on the watch. there are ways out. there is a light somewhere. it may not be much light but it beats the darkness. be on the watch.
Elder, Chapter 11
Tearing my gaze from her sad face, I stole her empty plate and replaced it with my untouched, full one. She sucked in a breath as I nudged the delicious smelling food closer. I didn’t speak. I didn’t need to. She knew what I offered, and she’d accept—if she knew what was fucking good for her. Alrik’s fork clattered to the tablecloth, smearing garlic sauce and oil. “Wait…she can have a sandwich. There isn’t enough for—” I held up my hand with a sharp glare. “I’m not hungry. She is. Problem solved.” Besides, there was power in not eating when everyone else was. I had the freedom to stare and calculate. I could ask questions and probe all while they swallowed inconvenient mouthfuls, scrambling for lies. No, this was perfect.
offf, Elder... içimin parçalandığını söylememe gerek yok zaten, ben bu seriye başladığım an öldüm
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