Denis Noble

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The energy factories in cells are called mitochondria, and they are thought to be derived from bacteria-like organism that were 'captured' by cells.
...the stretch of DNA code for a gene is like a word without the semantic frame of its language. The system provides the semantic frame and gives the gene its functionality, its meaning.
Metaphor invention is an art not a science and, as with other art forms, the artist is nit necessarily the best interpreter.
...the original question in genetics was not what makes a protein but rather 'what makes a dog a dog, a man a man'. It is the phenotype that stands in need of explanation. It is not just a soup of proteins.
The logic for explaining the success of a gene does not lie in its DNA code; it lies in how that code is interpreted and in how the results of that interpretation fit into the overall successful logic of life.
A living cell is a continuing, action-packed drama. Molecules interact and change. One change triggers another, and so on and on. Complex chains of molecular interaction happen again and again. We call them 'pathways'. ... And proteins form the backbone of all these biochemical pathways.