Joseph Michael Sommers

The Artistry of Neil Gaiman author
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"Önemli olan tanıdığınız kişilerin sayısı değil, siz gittiğinizde yokluğunuzu derinden hissedecek insanların sayısıdır."
Joseph Michael Sommers
Joseph Michael Sommers

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300 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%81/100) Since I am writing my MA thesis on Gaiman, this book proved to be invaluable to me. Recently, I've read many books similar to this but this is by far one of the best for a variety of reasons. The essays are well-chosen and I found most of them useful for my argument. So, the most important thing for me was the usefulness. However, as a reader, I also enjoyed the book as I learned more and more about Gaiman himself. Consequently, if you're a Gaiman scholar or planning to be one, this is a must-read. If you are looking to learn more about Gaiman and his works, this is still a really good source.
Critical Insights: Neil Gaiman
Critical Insights: Neil GaimanJoseph Michael Sommers · Salem Press · 20161 okunma
246 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%82/100) Another Gaiman book from Sommers that I really enjoyed. I liked this one more than Critical Insights because you get to read about Gaiman's own opinions. The whole is full of interviews and I always liked reading and listening to Gaiman's interviews. I decided to use this book, along with other books by Sommers, for my thesis. As an aspiring Gaiman scholar, I'm sure I'll come back to this book many times in the future. Overall, it is a great book to learn more about Gaiman's life and his writing style. It is super fun to read too!
Conversations with Neil Gaiman
Conversations with Neil GaimanJoseph Michael Sommers · 20181 okunma
372 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3/5 Stars (%65/100) Compared to Sommers's other books, Critical Insights and Conversations, I found this book less useful, at least for my thesis argument. The book focuses more on the comics and Gaiman's visual style. There are indeed parts that I will quote but overall, the other two books proved to be more useful. This, of course, applies only to me and one could find the book extremely useful. Other than its usefulness, it was a fun read. It is also a good starting point to Gaiman's career as the book talks about The Sandman in detail.
The Artistry of Neil Gaiman
The Artistry of Neil GaimanJoseph Michael Sommers · 20191 okunma