Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap

Martin Carnoy

Devlet ve Siyaset Teorisi yazarı
2 Kişi




1 okur beğendi.
9 okur okudu.
2 okur okuyor.
8 okur okuyacak.

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
Gramsci uses the term passive revolution to indicate the constant re-organization of state power and its relationship to the dominated classes to preserve dominant class hegemony and to exclude the masses from exerting influence over political and economic institutions. (...) Gramsci developed this concept in order to explain how the bourgeoisie survives despite political and economic crises.
Sayfa 76 - 77
The dominant class gains consent to its social domination through hegemony in the society as a whole, but exercises domination through the control of the state’s coercive apparatuses.
Sayfa 72 - 73
For Gramsci, the state as superstructure becomes a primary rather than a secondary variable in understanding capitalist society.
Sayfa 72
Gramsci did not believe that this crisis of hegemony was the result of economic crisis. Rather, economic crisis could create the conditions for the hegemony by putting the bourgeoisie (through the state) in the position of making serious mistakes in handling its response to economic problems, and in carrying out the reforms (passive revolution). (...) Crisis could only lead to action if mass consciousness was there, and ready to go into action -so it was a development of this consciousness that would produce revolutionary change, not declining rate of profit.
Sayfa 78 - 79
Hegemony means the ideological predominance of the dominant classes in civil society over the subordinate,..., the acceptance by the ruled of a “conception of the world” which belongs to the rulers. (...) The problem for Gramsci then is to understand how the ruling class has managed to win the consent of the subordinate classes in this way; and then, to see how the latter will manage to overthrow the old order and bring about a new one of universal freedom.
Sayfa 68 - 69
Henüz kayıt yok

Yorumlar ve İncelemeler

Tümünü Gör
334 syf.
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Devlet ve Siyaset Teorisi
Devlet ve Siyaset Teorisi
Martin Carnoy
Martin Carnoy
Simten Coşar
Simten Coşar
Aykut Örküp
Aykut Örküp
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Mehmet Yetiş
Devlet ve Siyaset Teorisi
Devlet ve Siyaset TeorisiMartin Carnoy · Dipnot Yayınları · 20159 okunma