Natalie Lund

The Wolves Are Watching author
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Natalie Lund Quotes

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WE WERE WARRIORS on the old-world battlefields. Slicing the sky with our wings. Catching men’s swords in our teeth. Slithering into their camps and striking with our venom while they slept.
“Okay, I’ll take the bait. What’s wrong?” she asks. “Nothing,” I say, knowing my tone doesn’t convey it. I wish, for once, she’d ask me if I wanted to do something instead of making decisions for me like I’m four.
Her tone says she’s tired and to drop it, but the eyes are still there, almond-shaped and shining. My skin crawls with the sensation of being watched. No way they’re tricks of light. They are too yellow to be human and too close to the ground to be an owl’s. They belong to something large.
Mama, I call to her, just like the Small, but when the shadow turns, there’s a pale blur where her face should be. I can’t see her. My Mother. I paw my ears and let out a low howl.
I finish a few problems for show, and when I look up, I find the eyes again, glowing like distant fires, flickering as the trees bend in the breeze across my line of sight. What would watch our house at night like this? A predator. That much I know.
OUR HOME IN the old world had many names. Many kings and queens who claimed to rule it. Many lines drawn on the mossy floor. We didn’t concern ourselves with the affairs of men. Our concerns were the bison: that they remained fat and plentiful. The trees: that they were dense and tall. The streams: that they were clear and cool. The winter: that it was merciful. What are you? Where do you come from? we were asked from time to time. We are what was created by the gods long, long ago to protect the woods. The first of our kind—four orphaned sisters—were given the powers and knowledge to make others in their likeness. Only under the full moon that falls on Forefathers’ Eve, when the boundary between the gods’ world and ours is at its thinnest, the magic strongest, can we add another sister to our pack.