Elif Sude Yanık

Elif Sude Yanık
Edebiyatla olan yolculuğum erken yaşta başladı ve Koç'taki lise hayatım boyunca şekillendi. University of Chicago ve Koç Üniversitesinde dil bilimi eğitimi aldım, Pioneer Research Akdemi'de edebiyat araştırması yapıyorum.
Bütün bilginin en son amacı, kendini en yüce pratik akıl içinde tanımaktır. Kant
Ataol Behramoğlu - Strati Korakas'a Mektup
Güneş hapsedilebilir mi Strati Bulut hapsedilebilir mi Hapsediliyor işte...
Ataol Behramoğlu
Ataol Behramoğlu
#şiir #edebiyat
Alexander van Millingen
Alexander van Millingen
"Constantinople has been well described as 'a city not of one nation but of many, and hardly more of one than of another."
Constantinople Today
Constantinople Today

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
Constantinople Today
"We must realize that there is no peace for the West while the East is at war, and that it is in the interest of the West to see that peace and prosperity and progress are secured for the East." Caleb F. Gates #alıntı #quote #istanbul
Conversations with Eckermann on Weltliteratur
"That is very easily explained,” said Goethe: “to write prose, one must have something to say; but he who has nothing to say can still make verses and rhymes, where one word suggests the other, and at last something comes out which in fact is nothing but looks as if it were something."
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
John Peter Eckermann
John Peter Eckermann