
192 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%80/100) The conflict/fight between Tsukasa and our heroes ends in this volume. We learn more about Senku and what he did after his revival. One of the things I liked the most is just how casual Senku is about counting while being petrified. The prologue saga ends and the new saga is about the Ishigami Village. This saga is mostly about Senku trying to create a Kingdom of Science for the future. I really liked the volume in general. The interaction between Senku and Tsukasa was great. I've always loved witty and very smart characters.
Dr. Stone, Vol. 2
Dr. Stone, Vol. 2Riichiro İnagaki · Vız Media Llc · 201825 okunma
10 görüntüleme
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