Dark Days

James Baldwin

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. Gençlik herkesin hayatındaki en kötü dönem olmalı. Her şey ilk kez oluyor, yani acı sonsuza kadar sürecek demektir. Daha sonra içinde çok güzel bir şeyin olduğunu görüyorsunuz. Çünkü artık bunu yaşamak zorunda değilsin. . . .
My point of view certainly is formed by my history, and is probable that only a creature despised by history finds history a questionable matter. On the other hand, people who imagine that history flatters them (as it does, indeed, since they wrote it) are impaled on their history like a butterfly on a pin and become in capable of seeing or changing themselves, or the world.
The romance of treason never occurred to us for the brutally simple reason that you can’t betray a country you don’t have. (Think about it.)
…At the same time, one was expected to be ‘patriotic’ and pledge allegiance to a flag which had pledged no allegiance to you: it risked becoming your shroud if you didn’t know how to keep your distance and stay in your ‘place.’
There are few things more dreadful than dealing with a man who knows that he is going under, in his own eyes, and in the eyes of others.
. Kendimizle karşılaşmak, ötekiyle karşılaşmak demektir: ve bu aşktır. Ruhumun titrediğini biliyorsam, seninkinin de titrediğini biliyorum: ve buna saygı duyarsam ikimiz de yaşayabiliriz. ...