The Constitution of No Authority

No Treason

Lysander Spooner

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
Bu metin İngilizce dilinden otomatik olarak çevirilmiştir. Orjinali Göster
"Resmi olarak rızasını veren kişilerin hepsi artık öldü. Çoğu kırk, elli, altmış, yetmiş yıldır ölü. Ve Anayasa, onların sözleşmesi olduğu sürece, onlarla birlikte öldü. Bunu çocuklarına farz kılmaya ne doğal bir güçleri ne de hakları vardı. Gelecek kuşakları bağlayabilmeleri işin doğası gereği kesinlikle imkansız olmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda onları bağlamaya kalkışmadılar bile.''
Sayfa 3 - Qualiteri PublishingKitabı okudu
"As taxation is made compulsory on all, whether they vote or not, a large proportion of those who vote, no doubt do so to prevent their own money being used against themselves; when, in fact, they would have gladly abstained from voting, if they could thereby have saved themselves from taxation alone, to say nothing of being saved from all the other usurpations and tyrannies of the government. To take a man's property without his consent, and then to infer his consent because he attempts, by voting, to prevent that property from being used to his injury, is a very insufficient proof of his consent to support the Constitution. It is, in fact, no proof at all. And as we can have no legal knowledge as to who the particular individuals are, if there are any, who are willing to be taxed for the sake of voting, or who would prefer freedom from taxation to the privilege of voting, we can have no legal knowledge that any particular individual consents to be taxed for the sake of voting; or, consequently, consents to support the Constitution."
Sayfa 9 - Qualiteri PublishingKitabı okudu
"In short, men's voluntary support of the Constitution is doubtless, in most cases, wholly contingent upon the question whether, by means of the Constitution, they can make themselves masters, or are to be made slaves. Such contingent consent as that is, in law and reason, no consent at all."
Sayfa 10 - Qualiteri PublishingKitabı okudu
"The payment of taxes, being compulsory, of course furnishes no evidence that any one voluntarily supports the Constitution."
Sayfa 12 - Qualiteri PublishingKitabı okudu
"By them they mean simply that they have subjugated, and maintained their power over, an unwilling people. This they call 'Saving the Country;' "
Sayfa 58 - Qualiteri PublishingKitabı okudu
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