Dinah Hazell

The Plants of Middle-earth yazarı
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Dinah Hazell Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Tolkien's Middle-earth, like our world, is built upon a double vision of reality, which involves an existential surface and a deeper, mythic level.
Tolkien'in Eddalar ve Beowulf'tan esinlenişi üzerine:
It may be disappointing to some that not all of Tolkien's creation is "original," but it must be remembered that the insistence on originality and the fear of plagiarism is quite modern. Medieval literature depended upon the recasting of existing works to suit the redactor's purpose and taste. Tolkien's use of sources like the Eddas and Beowulf is within that tradition, and it proves the importance of appropriation as a cultural continuum that preserves and transmits the beauty, values and ideas of our predecessors. And, of course, Tolkien blends those elements with his own into a work of unique genius.
When Aragorn calls for the plant in the Houses of Healing and treats the heroes who have been wounded in battle, the old wives' tale that recalls the rhyme identifying athelas as the plant with which the king can dispel the black breath reveals Aragorn's status, and the news of his arrival is soon spread.
How does one go about creating an Other World? For Tolkien, it began with a lifelong fascination with language, real and invented. But once there is a language, there must be people to speak the language, a society to support the people, and a world in which the people live.
Once you have passed through the forests of Ithilien, gasped at the beauty of the mallorn in Lothlorien, and smelled the homely grass and blooms of the Shire, you can never again pass through wood, glade or garden without thinking of Middle-earth and suspecting (or perhaps wishing) that Elves may be near.
Edith ve Luthien
She was the inspiration for Luthien in beauty, singing, and dancing, and their relationship was Tolkien's own "personal romance."
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