Kit Herondale’s Freckles

“‘I’m going to sleep in your bed,’ he says, like it’s a legal declaration. ‘All right.’ ‘Until you tell me you don’t want me to.’ ‘Or until you don’t want to,’ I say. ‘That might be never, Snow.’”
“I can touch you less gently, but I won’t love you less kindly.”
“‘All I really know is that nothing I’ve experienced so far compares to you. Maybe that makes me gay.’ He swallows. ‘Or maybe that just makes me yours.’”

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“As if I wouldn’t make the world spin backwards if I thought he’d like it better that way.”
“I’ve never hated him more. I want to break my knuckles on his chin, I want to cast off his tongue, I want to shove him down a thousand flights of stairs—and then I want to catch him.”
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