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275 syf.
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Trading is a good idea..
Adamımız esasen işsiz ve beş parasız Kanadalı bir blogger ve ismini taşıyan blog sitesine (one red paperclip) kim kırmızı bir ataç ister tonunda bir sistem başlatıyor. Sistem takasa dayalı işliyor ve yaklaşık 17 takas sonunda (sitede takasların tamamı kronolojik yazılı) bir eve sahip oluyor ve o kadar popüler oluyor ki an itibari ile şehirde bir kırmızı ataç heykeli bile mevcut..
Bir Kırmızı Ataç
Bir Kırmızı AtaçKyle MacDonald · Arunas Yayıncılık · 201160 okunma
a good blog
"... While I’m feeling you with everything I have, as I write you in the last moments of the year, while I dream of myself in the glitter of your eyes, I am full of you..." @NumanKlnc44
200 syf.
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36 saatte okudu
Bu kitabı görmeyeniniz, adını ilk defa duyanınız olduğunu hiç sanmıyorum. Bütün sosyal medya hesaplarında paylaşıldı, best-seller/çok satanlar listesine girdi ve uzun süre yerini korudu. Oldukça iyi bir (blog)yazarına sahip sıradanlıktan öte olduğu kadar sıradan bir kişisel gelişim kitabı. Etkileyici yanı, ingilizce adı: The Subtle Art of Not
Ustalık Gerektiren Kafaya Takmama Sanatı
Ustalık Gerektiren Kafaya Takmama SanatıMark Manson · Butik Yayınları · 201713,2bin okunma
maladaptive daydreaming
“Maladaptive daydreamers, use their daydreaming as a coping mechanism expressing in their daydreams what they fail to express in real life. Looking closer at Walters daydreams we can see that they are exactly that. They are the feelings he didn’t express, the words he didn’t say, the journeys he never made, the beliefs he didn’t defend. In short, it is the life he hasn’t lived, the life that is only accessible to him in fantasy. By escaping into his daydreams, Walter just like any other addict cuts ties with his identity and ego, and therefore all the insecurities and problems that are bothering him which as the blog points out is why daydreaming feels so damn good.” youtu.be/Kj5XR32zs7E?si=...
"YHWH tells Moses that the people are acting the fool. Moses travels back down the mountain, freaks out, breaks the Ten Commandments, and begins his punishment of the people, which ends in the death of those who ultimately say, "screw YHWH, we want our calf back!" (And good riddance to them, am I right? *cough*) But there is one scene in the story that often is missed, at least we didn't notice it for a long time. "When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it." (Exodus 32:19-20) He made them drink the golden calf. How pissed off is Moses right now? And how clever? Think about it, Moses said, in essence: "You want to want a bull to worship? A being created like we are? A copy of an animal we slaughter and eat? Really? That's what you want? That's how you roll? Fine. Then let's treat this like a real bovine: we're going to cook it and you're going to consume it!" Lesson: Moses has the type of creativity you don't want to get on the wrong side of." agameforgoodchristians.com/blog//pissing-p...