209 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Read in 8 days
3/5 Stars (%53/100) It was okay-ish to good. I've read for one of my classes. Here's more or less what I wrote in a paper: James Baldwin’s 1955 collection of essays Notes of a Native Son is similar to the works of Sartre and de Beauvoir in the sense that he also compares Europe and America. However, Baldwin mostly focuses on the issues
Notes Of A Native Son
Notes Of A Native SonJames Baldwin · Bacon Press Published · 201217 okunma
139 syf.
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Read in 4 hours
ALWAYS READ BEFORE YOU SIGN ANYTHING Omg, what was that? This is not BDSM at all. It was abuse. I don't care if she didn't read before she sign. Yeah it was a stupid thing to do but still I hated it. Why did she let a strange man bath her god dammit? Dummest heroine ever. Did he really have to punish her in front of a crowd? She was
Club Shadowlands
Club ShadowlandsCherise Sinclair · ‎ VanScoy Publishing Group · 20232 okunma
384 syf.
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Read in 6 hours
Well, this was annoying. She talked about how little, small, petite she was and how big, strong, tall Joshua was in EVERY single f*cking page. I wanted to slap her for her 'i am a small girl and i need a big man to protect me attitude.' She was spoiled and he was overprotective, but not in a cute way. She was hurt by his snarky comments and name picking but wasn't that how it was supposed to do? I mean they hated each other and they were trying to make each other miserable. She was also being sarcastic and mean. So, why did he become the bad guy here? The book is called The Hating Game but they were even not playing after like 40-50 pages after the kiss. She was totally in love and didn't even bother to hide it. How couldn't she see he was in love too when she saw his apartment? It makes zero sense. There was absolutely no reason, no hate for them not be lovers at that point. She suddenly turned into a horny teenager and her crazy horniness was so embarrassing. She never tried to show him how he cared about him and she only objectified him i felt sad for the guy. And weren't they supposed to be rivals at work and fall in love while they were messing with each other according to the trope. So, what was all this about? It felt like the writer took 3 different tropes and combined them to make a different book(!). I'm sorry but she messed up. The only part I loved was their little dirty road trip conversation. It was both cute and hot.
Nefret Oyunu
Nefret OyunuSally Thorne · Yabancı Yayınevi · 20182,269 okunma
10/10 puan verdi
Focus on innovating at value, not positioning against competitors
Kendimi kitabı okumuş saymıyorum, aksine üzerinde çalıştım ve bazı bölümlerini birden fazla kez yeniden okudum. Bunu 5 yıldan fazla bir süre önce duymuştum ve içindeki teorilerin geçerliliğini yitirmiş olmasını bekliyordum, ancak bunlar hâlâ günümüzün piyasa durumuyla tutarlı. Birden fazla açıdan görmenizi ve kitapta bahsedilen gerçek örneklerden
Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean StrategyRenée Mauborgne · Harvard Business Review Press · 201593 okunma
188 syf.
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So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. This is what we call love. When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you.
SimyacıPaulo Coelho · Can Yayınları · 2023189 okunma
336 syf.
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Read in 15 days
Every ending has a beginning!
It Ends with Us & It Starts with Us by Colleen HOOVER Written by Colleen Hoover who is #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of ‘It Ends with Us’, these books are up-to-date and based on love relationships. Although this sometimes leads to a love and hate triangle, the first love can be different from the others.  So, it can be unnecessary for
It Starts with Us
It Starts with UsColleen Hoover · 20221,769 okunma
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