Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
“I don’t think she took that well,” Seven says after she’s gone. “Maybe you should go talk to her.” “And say what?" “Tell her it’ll be okay, that things will work out. Maybe it’ll make her feel better.” “The only thing that’ll make her feel better, Seven, is having her problem solved, so that’s what I’m going to do.” “And then what?” I flip a pancake before turning to him. “And then she gets the bullshit fairy tale life she wants with her daughter.” “And you?” I laugh dryly. “And I might finally get to finish my fucking puzzle.”
işte bu..
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
“How are you so fucking dense?” she asks. “You think I’m mad right now? Seriously?” There are still tears in her eyes. “You look like you might cry.” “Because it’s the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me, Lorenzo. You’re trying to fix things.” “If you’re going to start crying, I need you to not do it while you’re sitting on my lap.” She lets out a light laugh, grabbing my wrists, pulling my hands away from her face, forcing my arms around her.
Allahım.. neden.. neden bu sahneler bu kadar güzel.. NEDEEN!!**1??
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
She stares me dead in the face, her expression stone cold serious as she says, “I will cut a motherfucker.” “I don’t doubt that for a second,” I tell her, leaning over, kissing her. “My wicked little belladonna, beautiful, deadly, so tempting to keep tasting but so goddamn toxic every touch is just too much.”
şu sahne de ölümcüldü biraz..
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
I’m thinking life is going on without Scarlet, the world is still turning, and that’s going to hurt the fuck out of her. You see, that’s the thing about grief... it feels all-consuming. It makes it feel like time stops, because for you, it does. Life as you know it ceases to exist, but for everyone else, it just keeps going on. And sometimes, you know, if it stops for too long, there’s not much chance of you ever catching up. Because by the time your world moves again, everyone else is already too far gone.
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
“You wanna know what I know, detective?” “What?” “I know if you ever lay another finger on Morgan, I’ll cut your dick off and fuck you with it,” I say. “And then, when I’m done, I’ll shove it down your mother’s throat while I fuck her. You got me?”
offff ortalık yandı yandııı... Lorenzo sakin ltf
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
“Lorenzo Gambini, I presume? Or would you prefer to be called—” “Sir,” I cut in before he can say Scar. “You can call me sir, if it gives you the tingles. Otherwise, let’s just stick with Gambini.”
ldfdlsfjkj Melike bundan sonra sende Lorenzo'ya Sir demelisin.. çok yakıştı
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
“Sometimes you seem a lot older than me, Seven.” He laughs. “You’re just young at heart.” “Is that your way of saying I’m immature?” “I’m just saying you don’t seem to be in any hurry to grow up,” he says. “Which there’s nothing wrong with. But me? I’ve settled into my life. You’re still finding yours.”
bu seri neden 430969068 kitap değil??
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
You want it, I can probably get it.
Melike bence Lorenzo bunu sana dedi..
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
Extra money is a bullshit concept, when it comes down to it. For most people, the more they make, the more they spend. Bigger houses, fancier cars, more recognizable brand names. It isn’t like they get to a point where they think, ‘yep, I’ve got enough now, I’ll pass on the rest.’ Which means there’s no such thing as extra. Money is money. It’s a necessary evil.
Chapter Three, Lorenzo
“Anytime, boss,” he says. “Is that all you needed? Is that why you called?” “Do you seriously think I’d make you come to Queens just to thread a fucking needle for me at five o’clock in the morning?” “Yes.” I cast him a glare. He’s right. I would.
Lorenzo bir efsane, harika, muhteşem.. sanırım bir ara gözlerim yaşardı
Chapter Two, Morgan
“Is Lorenzo still in bed?” Leo asks. “If so, you might want to check his pulse. He never sleeps more than two or three hours. Might be dead.”
kahkahamı tutamadım dglkjdlgkj