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In 1985, a multi-disciplinary scientific congress held in Wisconsin on “cults and coercive groups” proposed the following definition: " A coercive cult is a totalitarian movement displaying itself in the form of an association, of a religious, cultural or different group which requires total devotion of its members, and devotion to the group more than to any other person. This movement employs techniques of manipulation, persuasion and control intended to fulfill the objectives of the group’s leader and which cause among followers a total dependence on the group, to the detriment of the family and social entourage. " Note that the central point of this definition is the totalitarian character of coercive cults. Carl Friedrich, a scholar on totalitarianism, distinguished its constituent components. Similar traits are found in the operation of coercive cults.
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The essential functions of coercive cults negate any individual benefit from the structure and repress any deviance. Thus, they affirm their totalitarian character.
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Cults use the traditional tools of propaganda: [4[ * use of stereotypes that exploit people’s tendency to generalize and to project themselves into an imaginary group; * distortion of language and use of specific words intended to mask the truth or to create a stronger impact; * control of information and selection of facts and the ideas, choosing only those that are favorable to the defended ideology; * systematic lies and falsification of the truth; * endless repetition of invented information to obtain assent or to change ideas; * constant reaffirmation of the totalitarian thought as the only true one, and rejection of divergent thoughts; * designation of a standard enemy or scapegoat presented for the group’s opprobrium; * total subservience to the authority and constant reference to him as the source of truth. ----- 4. Brown (J. A. C.), Técnicas de persuasion, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1986.
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