
323 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
9 saatte okudu
Most likely, the most detailed study on Pythagoras and everything might be related to him and his followers. As though Aristotle, Plato and even Socrates usually did not mention him by name, even they needed to analyze his sayings by referring to his "group". The book says that Pythagoras is called as "shaman" and that's why some books/ biographies about him were named as hagiography. Besides all his philosophical and scientific(mathematical-indeed geometrical) let's say revolutions, it is a bit surprising that he was obsessed wit some religious rituals if we are allowed to say they were religious. This study like all the other similar books known as "fragments" of any other Presocratic philosophers presents all the relations of the philosopher to the other fields or to the other philosophers before and after him and even more. With Pythagorians, substance turns into form, quality converts to quantity, and lastly Mathematics substitutes Physics. On the one hand, the purpose of Pythagorians was not just to get theory but also practice with priority. The goal is to get purified via knowledge and to unify with the universal spirit. According to Pythagorians, philosphy is a life style. Philosophers should save the humankind instead of giving them information on life, universe or on entries as the predecessors did. Everything was with numbers and ratio. "Harmonia" exists by means of Math. Also, Music derives from them. On the other hand, they were dualists(soul-body); but they prioritize soul over body. These are all a reminder for future me; so I suggest the readers if there is any, please do not bother the mistakes I have made, again if there is any. I just can say you that this book is good enogh to get what goes in and around the Ptyhagorian cult.
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