
Present-day readers of Sanatorium Arktur might be sceptical about the communist glorification of strenuous labour for the benefit of the regime, and rightly so, especially given that the USSR’s economy in the 1930s relied heavily on the labour of more than two million prisoners in the inhumane conditions of the Gulag camps. Levshin’s work to electrify Siberia would effectively consist in commanding an army of such prisoners—a reality that Fedin’s novel conveniently glosses over.
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Öne Çıkan Yorum
affedersiniz lenin'in "Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country" lafı konuşuluyo, yazar bu "elektriklenmeyi" gulaglardaki 2 milyon mahkumun emeği olmadan nasıl yaparsın demeden geçmemiş. aferin.
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