
"When you want to replace mistakes with right actions in life, remember this: The first revolution one must make is within oneself. Yes, this is the foremost and most important revolution. Battling for an idea without having a personal opinion, without knowing what you want from life and from people is one of the most dangerous things. Do not simplify your life and spend it on cheap pleasures. Life ends as quickly as the snow melts in the mountains in spring. It ends before you understand it. Every second we live must be a miracle that has been mentioned to us. To the extent that, taking it back and reliving it is impossible. Know this, and remember it in every difficult moment. Life is a passion... Live it! Life is a gift... Accept it! Life is a puzzle... Solve it! Life is an opportunity... Capture it! Life is a song... Sing along! Life is a garden... Harvest it! Life is a kindness... Respond to it! Do yourself a favor. Smile at everyone... Because... What else can hold a place for sincere love in this life… What else can give a person the pleasure of giving kindness without expecting anything in return… What revenge is stronger than responding to evil with kindness… As long as we live, we can't stop loving… You know, with just one little smile, the whole world can change in an instant… You know, as our humanity grows, so does the warm embrace of kindness… Essays, stories, poems, suggestions, beautiful words, and so much more about kindness… Go ahead, do yourself a favor. Smile at everyone…" William Shakespeare
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