the name, and the tale is told of you. You sleep with open mouth on money-bags piled up from all sides, and must perforce keep hands off as if they were hallowed, or take delight in them as if painted pictures. Don't you know what money is for, what end it serves ? You may buy bread, greens, a measure of wine, and such other things as would mean pain to our human nature, if withheld. What, to lie awake half-dead with fear, to be in terror night and day of wicked thieves, of fire, of slaves, who may rob you and run away—is this so pleasant ? In such blessings I could wish ever to be poorest of the poor. " But if your body is seized with a chill and racked with pain, or some other mishap has pinned you to your bed, have you some one to sit by you, to get lotions ready, to call in the doctor so as to raise you up and restore you to your children and dear kinsmen ? " No, your wife does not want you well, nor does your son :"
Yaş günleri hep bir derin düşünce zamanıdır.
Sayfa 14 - Butik YayıncılıkKitabı okuyor
"Kim olduğunuza dair hisse ve hayatta hangi yöne gittiğinize dair bir vizyona sahip olduğunuzda, dünyaya uzanıp daha iyi bir yaşam için hayallerinizin peşinden koşabileceğiniz temele ulaşırsınız." Stedman Graham
Sayfa 13 - Butik YayıncılıkKitabı okuyor
In 1981, nine years before web-anything, futurist and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller proposed ‘the knowledge doubling curve’. Fuller suggested that the more knowledge we accumulated, the faster we created even more knowledge. For example, up until 1900, human knowledge doubled every hundred years or so. By the end of World War II, the complete knowledge of mankind is thought to have doubled every twenty-five years. By 1982 knowledge was doubling every twelve to thirteen months*. In 2006, IBM predicted that knowledge would double every eleven hours by 2010†. It’s unclear if that rate has been reached or even surpassed, but what is undisputed is that we now have access to more information, knowledge and data than ever before.
Over the last ten years, we’ve seen a significant ‘rise of the machines’ in passive investment strategies. While there are still human beings assessing value based on fundamentals, there are a lot of investment vehicles simply running on autopilot, executing trades based on market patterns and algorithms. There may be different degrees of autopilot, but it’s still autopilot. In addition, technological advance has put investment platforms and tools in the hands of consumers and fund managers alike, creating ‘hot money’. Hot money describes the reality that’s created when technology facilitates the rapid movement of highly liquid money between and across financial markets as investors seek to take advantage of temporary market opportunities.
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