A human who believes he is not a hero even when the entire world believes he is one.
You know, or don’t know, that great Bacon saith,    ‘Fling up a straw, ’twill show the way the wind blows.’ And such a straw, borne on by human breath, Is poesy, according as the mind glows A paper kite, which flies ’twixt life and death, A shadow which the onward soul behind throws. And mine’s a bubble not blown up for praise, But just to play with, as an infant plays.
Albeit all human history attests That happiness for man, the hungry sinner, Since Eve ate apples, much depends on dinner.
i love your mind ollie
''I think there's something to love about every music era,'' Oliver's telling the group as I tune back in. ''It reflects what was happening at that time culturally, psychosocially. Music speaks to human experience and speaks for it. When we appreciate that, we appreciate so many people's perspectives on life. Know what I mean?''
eternal truths are ultimately invisible, and you won’t find them in material things or natural phenomena, or even in human emotions. mathematics, however, can illuminate them, can give them expression - in fact, nothing can prevent it from doing so.
“There were car gods there: a powerful, serious-faced contingent, with blood on their black gloves and on their chrome teeth: recipients of human sacrifice on a scale undreamed-of since the Aztecs.”
i hardened under the last loss. it took something human out of me. i used to be so deeply emotional i’d crumble on demand. but now the water has made its exit. of course i care about the ones around me. i’m just struggling to show it. a wall is getting in the way. i used to dream of being so strong nothing could shake me. now. i am. so strong. that nothing shakes me. and all i dream is to soften. - numbness
did you think they were invented in the nineteenth century? there were numbers before human beings, before the world itself was formed.
"Maybe God really was a cat, just toying with the human race."
However, the poor jackals are less foul (As being the brave lions’ keen providers) Than human insects, catering for spiders. Raise but an arm! ’Twill brush their web away, And without that, their poison and their claws Are useless. Mind, good people, what I say (Or rather peoples), go on without pause! The web of these tarantulas each day Increases, till you shall make common cause.
Etkili empati kuran insanlar, kendilerine anlayış ve güvenilirlik kazandıracak şekilde acı çekmişlerdir. Oyun yazarı Thornton Wilder bir keresinde böyle bir kişinin dünyaya getirdiği zorlayıcı varlığı tarif etmiştir: "Yaranız olmasaydı gücünüz nerede olurdu? Alçak sesinizin insanların kalbini titretmesini sağlayan şey sizin pişmanlığınızdır. Melekler bile yeryüzündeki sefil ve serseri çocukları, yaşamın çarkları arasında kırılmış bir insanın ikna edebileceği kadar ikna edemez. Aşkın hizmetinde yalnızca yaralı askerler hizmet edebilir." The people who practice effective empathy have suffered in ways that give them understanding and credibility. The playwright Thornton Wilder once described the compelling presence such a person brings to the world: "Without your wound where would your power be? It is your very remorse that makes your low voice tremble into the hearts of men. The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children on earth as can one human being broken on the wheels of living. In love's service only the wounded soldiers can serve."
Sayfa 131
"I've an idea. Why don't we have a little game? Let's pretend we're human beings, and that we're actually alive. Just for a while. What do you say? Let's pretend we're human."
e-kitap olarak okuyorum.Kitabı okuyor
All was prepared – the fire, the sword, the men To wield them in their terrible array. The army like a lion from his den Marched forth with nerve and sinews bent to slay, A human Hydra, issuing from its fen To breathe destruction on its winding way, Whose heads were heroes, which cut off in vain, Immediately in others grew again.