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"It's no good trying to fool yourself about love. You can't fall into it like a soft job, without dirtying up your hands. It takes muscle and gıts. And if you can't bear the thought of messing up your nice, clean soul, you'd better give up the whole idea of life, and become a saint. Because you'll never make it as a human being. It's either this world or the next."
e-kitap olarak okuyorum.
Seeing small pieces of a larger jigsaw puzzle in isolation, no matter how hi-def the picture, is insufficient to grapple with humanity's great- est challenges. We have long known the laws of thermodynamics, but struggle to predict the spread of a forest fire. We know how cells work, but can't predict the poetry that will be written by a human made up of them. The frog's-eye view of individual parts is not enough. A healthy ecosystem needs biodiversity. Even now, even in endeavors that engender specialization unprece- dented in history, there are beacons of breadth. Individuals who live by historian Arnold Toynbee's words that "no tool is omnicompetent. There is no such thing as a master-key that will unlock all doors." Rather than wielding a single tool, they have managed to collect and protect an entire toolshed, and they show the power of range in a hyper- specialized world.
If the masculine and feminine meet at the mooladhara, the lowest chakra or energy centre in the human system, that is sexuality. But if they meet within the highest chakra, the sahasrara, that is spirituality.
Britanya Empiristleri- Locke
Bu filozofların ilki İngiliz John Locke'tu. 1632'den 1704 dar yaşamıştı Locke. Ending, dan na 170 Concerning Human Understanding van insanın Anla say Consi Üzerine Bir Deneme 1690'da yayımlandı. Locke bu ma Ynde iki soruyu ele alır. Birincisi, insanların düşünce ve eserinde ilinin nereden geldiğini sorguvenci olarak da duyularımızın bize bildirdiği şeylere güvenip güvenemeyece ğimiz meselesiyle ilgilenir." "Ne projeymiş ama!" "Soruları teker teker ele alalım. Locke bütün düşünce ve tasavvurlarımızın bir zamanlar duyularımızda oluşmuş izlenimlerden kaynaklandığına, bunların bir yansımasından ibaret olduğuna inanmaktadır. Bir duyum edinmeden önce bilincimiz bir 'tabula rasa' gibidir, yani henüz üstüne bir şey yazılmamış bir levha." "Ha bak Latincesini söyleyince çok anlaşılır oldu." "Yani herhangi bir şeyi duyumsamadan önce bilincimiz, öğretmen sınıfa gelmeden önceki karatahta gibi bomboştur."
Sayfa 298 - Pan
Ancak sorun şu ki, bahanelere sığınarak kendinizi koruyamazsınız. Kendinizi savunmak için öne sürdüğünüz bahanelere aslında siz de inanmıyorsunuz. Önemsemiyormuş gibi görünmeye çalışsanız da egonuz hala değersiz görülmenin ve aşağılanmanın acısını çekiyor. Human Landacape adlı denemesinde, roman yazarı Hyun Kyung Kim sevginin karşıtının nefret ya da öfke değil, kayıtsızlık olduğunu yazıyor.
"We could become little furry creatures with little furry brains. Full of dumb, uncomplicated affection for each other. Playful, careless creatures in their own cosy zoo for two. A silly symphony for people who couldn't bear the pain of being human beings any longer. And now, even they are dead, poor little silly animals. They were all love, and no brains."
e-kitap olarak okuyorum.
A human who believes he is not a hero even when the entire world believes he is one.
You know, or don’t know, that great Bacon saith,    ‘Fling up a straw, ’twill show the way the wind blows.’ And such a straw, borne on by human breath, Is poesy, according as the mind glows A paper kite, which flies ’twixt life and death, A shadow which the onward soul behind throws. And mine’s a bubble not blown up for praise, But just to play with, as an infant plays.
Albeit all human history attests That happiness for man, the hungry sinner, Since Eve ate apples, much depends on dinner.
i love your mind ollie
''I think there's something to love about every music era,'' Oliver's telling the group as I tune back in. ''It reflects what was happening at that time culturally, psychosocially. Music speaks to human experience and speaks for it. When we appreciate that, we appreciate so many people's perspectives on life. Know what I mean?''
“There were car gods there: a powerful, serious-faced contingent, with blood on their black gloves and on their chrome teeth: recipients of human sacrifice on a scale undreamed-of since the Aztecs.”
i hardened under the last loss. it took something human out of me. i used to be so deeply emotional i’d crumble on demand. but now the water has made its exit. of course i care about the ones around me. i’m just struggling to show it. a wall is getting in the way. i used to dream of being so strong nothing could shake me. now. i am. so strong. that nothing shakes me. and all i dream is to soften. - numbness
"Maybe God really was a cat, just toying with the human race."
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